Pedigree Stock Farm

Pedigree Stock Farm


a livestock farm with a highly productive herd of animals of a particular breed whose offspring are raised for breeding purposes. In capitalist countries the quality of young pedigree stock and the organization of its sale to commodity farms are controlled by associations and cooperatives made up of the owners of animals of a given breed. The USSR has a network of specialized state- and kolkhoz-run pedigree stock farms.

Pedigree stock farms proper are engaged in basic breeding work. Such farms exist in the USSR for the principal breeds of all species of agricultural animals. The best individuals of a breed are concentrated here—purebreds and nearly purebloods of the elite class—which exceed the average level of the breed in both productivity and pedigree value. The young stock raised on these farms is used to rebuild their own herds and to replenish the pedigree herds of other pedigree stock farms. The males are also used as sires at state breeding and artificial insemination stations.

Sovkhoz and kolkhoz pedigree stock farms breed animals for their own herds and for commodity farms, thereby increasing the productivity of commercial herds. The farms engage in systematic breeding for qualitative improvement of the pedigree herd.

Another type of state pedigree stock farm conducts breeding work on the pedigree and commercial farms of sovkhozes and kolkhozes in areas where animals of a particular breed are most widespread. This type of farm played an important role up until the 1960’s in improving many existing breeds of agricultural animals and creating new ones. With the widespread introduction of artificial insemination, most of these farms were converted into state breeding and artificial insemination stations.

State stud farms are engaged in improving the horse population of a particular region. The best pedigree stallions are kept here, and each year they are transported during the mating season to breeding and artificial insemination stations.

Agricultural agencies rely on pedigree stock farms when dealing with such breeding matters as the exhibition and rejection of animals, breed testing, and breed approval.