Acronym | Definition |
SNEC➣Singapore National Eye Centre |
SNEC➣Southern New England Chapter (various organizations) |
SNEC➣Scottish National Equestrian Centre (Ecclesmachan, Scotland, UK) |
SNEC➣Syndicat National de l'Education et de la Culture (French: Trade Union of Education and Culture) |
SNEC➣Syndicat National de l'Enseignement Chrétien (French: National Union of Christian Education) |
SNEC➣Subgroup on Nuclear Export Coordination |
SNEC➣Syndicat National de l'Exploitation Climatique et de La Maintenance (French: National Union of Climate Operations and Maintenance) |
SNEC➣Syndicat National Equipement Cuisine (French: National Union of Kitchen Equipment) |
SNEC➣Secrétariat National de l'Enseignement Catholique (French: National Secretariat of Catholic Education; Belgium) |
SNEC➣Syndicat National de l'Exploitation Cinématographique (French: National Union of Film Operators) |
SNEC➣Secondary Navy Enlisted Classification (code) |
SNEC➣Saxton Nuclear Engineering Corporation |
SNEC➣Socièté de Nettoyage et d'Entretien du Calaisis (French: Society of Cleaning and Maintenance of Calais; France) |
SNEC➣Syndicat National de l'Encadrement du Groupe Carrefour (French: National Union of the Framework of the Carrefour Group) |