primary spermatocyte


 [sper-mat´o-sīt] the mother cell of a spermatid.primary spermatocyte the original large diploid cell into which a spermatogonium develops; it can later undergo the first meiotic division into the secondary spermatocyte.secondary spermatocyte a haploid cell produced by meiotic division of the primary spermatocyte; it can then develop into the spermatid.

pri·mar·y sper·ma·to·cyte

the spermatocyte derived by mitotic division from a spermatogonium, and that undergoes the first division of meiosis.

pri·mar·y sper·ma·to·cyte

(prī'mar-ē spěr-mat'ŏ-sīt) The spermatocyte derived by a growth phase from a spermatogonium; undergoes the first division of meiosis.

primary spermatocyte

an early stage in SPERMATOGENESIS.