Rumanian-Czechoslovak Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and

Rumanian-Czechoslovak Treaty of 1948 on Friendship, Cooperation, and Mutual Assistance


a treaty signed in Bucharest on July 21 by P. Groza, chairman of the Council of Ministers, and A. Pauker, minister of foreign affairs, for Rumania, and by A. Zápotocký, chairman of the Council of Ministers, and V. Clementis, minister of foreign affairs, for Czechoslovakia. The treaty was concluded for 20 years.

The two countries pledged to make every effort jointly to avert aggression on the part of Germany or another state allied with it in any way, to render each other military and other aid in the event of military conflict, and to refrain from concluding alliances or participating in actions directed against the other country. Both sides agreed to consult each other on important international questions, to participate in all international actions aimed at guaranteeing peace and security, and to develop close economic and cultural cooperation.


Scînteia, 1948, July 22.
Rudé právo, 1948, July 22.