Beauty, Sensual

Beauty, Sensual

See also Beauty, Feminine; Sex Symbol.Angelicainfidel princess of exquisite grace and charm. [Ital. Lit.: Orlando Innamorato; Orlando Furioso]Borgia, Lucrezia(1480–1519) her beauty was as legendary as her rumored vices and heartlessness. [Ital. Hist.: Plumb, 59]Buchanan, DaisyJay Gatsby’s femme fatale. [Am. Lit.: The Great Gatsby]Cleopatraseductive queen of Egypt; beloved by Marc Antony. [Br. Lit.: Antony and Cleopatra]Helen of TroyFaust’s desire to possess her makes him faint. [Ger. Lit.: Faust]JezebelPhoenician princess; enemy of the prophets; name is a byword for wicked woman. [O.T.: I Kings 16:21, 31; II Kings 9:1–10, 30–37]Lolitaprecociously seductive 12-year-old. [Am. Lit.: Lolita]Madelinegazed at in awe by Porphyro. [Br. Lit.: “The Eve of St. Agnes” in Magill I, 263–264]Montez, Lola(c. 1818–1861) Irish singer and dancer; mistress to famous men. [Irish Hist.: NCE, 1821]Phrynecourtesan, acquitted of charge by baring bosom. [Gk. Hist.: Brewer Dictionary, 830]Playmate of the Monthnude girl provocatively gracing Playboy’s centerfold. [Am. Culture: Flexner, 285]Queen of Shebasultry Biblical queen who visits Solomon. [O.T.: I Kings 10]Salomeseductive dancer who obtains head of John the Baptist as reward. [N.T.: Matthew 14:3, 11]Vye, Eustaciacapricious, seductive, trouble-making heroine. [Br. Lit.: Return of the Native, Harvey, 690]