

 [ve″no-per″ĭ-to″ne-os´tah-me] insertion of an open end of the saphenous vein into the peritoneum for drainage of ascites.


(vē'nō-per'-i-tō-nē-os'tŏ-mē), An obsolete operation involving insertion of the cut end of the saphenous vein into the peritoneal cavity in cases of ascites; the vein is inverted so that the valves prevent regurgitation of blood into the cavity while the ascitic fluid flows into the vein. [veno- + peritoneum + G. stoma, mouth]


(vē′nō-pĕr′ĭ-tn-ē-ŏs′tə-mē)n. Surgical insertion of either of the major superficial veins of the leg into the peritoneal cavity to drain ascitic fluid.


An obsolete procedure formerly used to control ascites, which consisted of inserting an inverted saphenous vein into the peritoneal cavity, thereby allowing the fluid to drain into the vein.