释义 |
stasis [sta´sis] a stoppage or diminution of flow, as of blood or other body fluid, or of intestinal contents.stasis syndrome overgrowth of bacteria within the small intestine resulting from a variety of conditions causing stasis, particularly disturbances to intestinal motility or decreased acid secretion, but also structural abnormalities such as diverticula, fistulae between the colon and upper bowel, or chronic obstruction; it is characterized by malabsorption of vitamin B12, steatorrhea, and anemia.venous stasis cessation or impairment of venous flow, such as with insufficiency" >venous insufficiency; see also ulcer" >stasis ulcer. Called also phlebostasis and venostasis.phle·bos·ta·sis (fle-bos'tă-sis), 1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets. Synonym(s): bloodless phlebotomy Synonym(s): venostasis [phlebo- + G. stasis, a standing still] phleb·o·sta·sis (flĕ-bos'tă-sis) 1. Abnormally slow motion of blood in veins, usually with venous distention. 2. Treatment of congestive heart failure by compressing proximal veins of the extremities with tourniquets. Synonym(s): venostasis. [phlebo- + G. stasis, a standing still] |