summation gallop

sum·ma·tion gal·'lop

gallop rhythm in which the gallop sound is due to superimposition of third and fourth heart sounds; sometimes heard in normal subjects with tachycardia, but usually indicative of myocardial disease. Synonym(s): S7 gallop, S7

summation gallop

Triple gallop Cardiology An extra 'galloping' heart sound caused by tachycardia, best heard over the apex with the Pt in supine or left lateral position; it ↑ with inspiration, exercise, elevation of legs, ↑ venous return. Cf Fourth heart sound.

sum·ma·tion gal·lop

(sŭm-ā'shŭn gal'ŏp) Rhythm in which the gallop sound is due to superimposition of third and fourth heart sounds; sometimes heard in normal subjects with tachycardia, but usually indicative of myocardial disease.