Acronym | Definition |
SNF➣Strong Nuclear Force |
SNF➣Skilled Nursing Facility |
SNF➣Shiv Nadar Foundation (India) |
SNF➣Shin Nihonkai Ferry (Japan) |
SNF➣Spherical Near-Field |
SNF➣Steve Nash Foundation (Canada and US) |
SNF➣Sunday Night Football |
SNF➣Spent Nuclear Fuel |
SNF➣Server Normal Format |
SNF➣Secure Network Fabric |
SNF➣System Noise Filter |
SNF➣Shared Network Facilities |
SNF➣Standby Noise Filter |
SNF➣Saturday Night Fever (movie) |
SNF➣Stanford Nanofabrication Facility |
SNF➣Sociétés Non Financières (French: Non-Financial Corporation) |
SNF➣Safety Net Foundation (various locations) |
SNF➣Semiconductor Nanofabrication Facility (Australia) |
SNF➣Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung (Swiss National Science Foundation) |
SNF➣Solids-Non-Fat |
SNF➣Server Natural Format |
SNF➣Samfunns- og næringslivsforskning AS (Centre for Research in Economics and Business Administration; Norway) |
SNF➣Strategic Nuclear Forces (US DoD) |
SNF➣symbiotic nitrogen fixation |
SNF➣Save Nature Free |
SNF➣Short-Range Nuclear Forces |
SNF➣Sun and Fun (yearly spring flying festival in Florida) |
SNF➣Siskiyou National Forest (Oregon, USA) |
SNF➣Stavros Niarchos Foundation (Athens, Greece philanthropic organization) |
SNF➣Siuslaw National Forest |
SNF➣So Not Fair |
SNF➣Standing Naval Force |
SNF➣Social Network Fatigue |
SNF➣Secret No Foreign |
SNF➣Show No Fear |
SNF➣Sampled Netflow |
SNF➣Sulphonated Naphthalene Formaldehyde |
SNF➣System Noise Figure (electronics) |
SNF➣So Not Funny |
SNF➣Sabine National Forest (Texas) |
SNF➣Skilled Nursing Floor |
SNF➣Syndicat des Naturalistes de France (French; now Syndicat des Naturalistes Taxidermistes de France) |
SNF➣ScoutNet Finland |
SNF➣Strongest Neighbor Filter |
SNF➣Special Nuclear Fuel |
SNF➣Supporting Navy Forces |
SNF➣Supplemental Nomenclature File |
SNF➣Service National des Fouilles (French: National Excavation Service) |
SNF➣Single-Net Fault |
SNF➣Standards Neutral Format (QAD Inc. file layout) |