recall bias

recall bias

systematic error due to differences in accuracy or completeness of recall to memory of past events or experiences.

recall bias

Memory bias Psychology A type of information bias that occurs when there are differences in how exposure groups or disease groups remember certain information. See Bias. Cf Interviewer bias.

re·call bi·as

(rē'kawl bī'ăs) Systematic error due to differences in accuracy or completeness of the memory of past events or experiences.

recall bias

Distortion introduced into a research investigation that relies on the memory of subjects, specifically, their recollections of elements that might have contributed to the eventual development of a disease or condition. A research subject's memories after the occurrence of an adverse event, e.g., the diagnosis of a serious ailment, may be unduly influenced by his or her assumptions, beliefs, expectations, or prior education about possible causes of that ailment and thus may not reflect the true breadth of exposure contributing to the occurrence of the disease.