serratus anterior muscle

anterior serratus

A thoracic muscle.
Rotates scapula, pulling it forward; raises ribs.
Long thoracic.
Centrolateral aspect of the 1st to the 8th ribs.
Inferior and superior angles and medial margin of scapula.

ser·ra·tus an·te·ri·or mus·cle

(sĕ-rā'tŭs an-tēr'ē-ŏr mŭs'ĕl) Origin, from center of lateral aspect of first eight to nine ribs; insertion, superior and inferior angles and intervening medial margin of scapula; action, rotates scapula and pulls it forward, elevates ribs; nerve supply, long thoracic from brachial plexus.
Synonym(s): musculus serratus anterior [TA] .

serratus anterior muscle

Chest muscle. Origin: outer surface of ribs 1-8. Insertion: anterior side of vertebral edge of scapula. Nerve: long thoracic (C5-C7). Action: pulls scapula forward (anterior) and laterally (abduction), rotates scapula upward. See also: muscle