Ureaplasma urealyticum

U·re·a·plas·ma u·re·a·ly'·ti·cum

a species that has been isolated from the respiratory tract and central nervous system of newborns. It causes infections of the genitourinary tract, particularly urethritis; thought to be sexually transmitted and transmitted from mother to infant. The laboratory diagnosis is simplified through the use of urea-containng agar, permitting detection of the tiny colonies.

Ureaplasma urealyticum

T strain mycoplasma Microbiology A species of small gram-negative bacteria of the family Mycoplasmataceae that lack a cell wall and catabolize urea–to ammonia; U urealyticum resides in the genital tract and nasopharynx, is sexually transmitted, and causes nongonococcal urethritis, urethroprostatitis, epididymitis in ♂; UTIs, fetal wastage, chorioamnionitis, and ↑ infertility in ♀, URIs; CNS infections in neonates Management Tetracycline–eg, doxycycline; if resistant, erythromycin. See Mycoplasma hominis. Cf Mycoplasma pneumoniae.

Ureaplasma urealyticum

(ū-rē″ă-plăs′mă) A mycoplasma that is usually sexually transmitted. It may cause inflammation of the reproductive or urinary tracts in males and females. It has been implicated in a wide variety of infections in babies with low birth weight.