run an errand

run an errand

To make a short trip to complete a specific task or chore. Can you see if your father can come pick you up? I've been running errands all day, and I don't want to trek across town yet again. I'm just stepping out to run an errand. I'll be back soon.See also: errand, run

run an errand

 and do an errand; go on an errandto take a short trip to do a specific thing; to complete an errand. I've got to run an errand. I'll be back in a minute. John has gone on an errand. He'll be back shortly.See also: errand, run

run an errand

Go to perform a commission, as in I spent the morning running household errands-to the cleaners, the supermarket, the hardware store . [c. 1500] See also: errand, run