uncovertebral joints

un·co·ver·te·bral joints

small synovial joints formed secondarily between the lateral lips (uncinate processes) of the superior surfaces of the bodies of the lower cervical vertebrae and the inferior surface of the superior vertebral body. Synonym(s): Luschka joints


Hubert, German anatomist, 1820-1875. foramen of Luschka - one of the two lateral openings of the fourth ventricle into the subarachnoid space at the cerebellopontine angle. Synonym(s): lateral aperture of the fourth ventricleLuschka bursa - a cystic notochordal remnant found inconstantly in the posterior wall of the nasopharynx at the lower end of the pharyngeal tonsil. Synonym(s): pharyngeal bursaLuschka cartilage - a small cartilaginous nodule sometimes found in the anterior portion of the vocal cord.Luschka cryptLuschka cystic glands - small mucous tubuloalveolar glands in the mucosa of the larger bile ducts, especially in the neck of the gallbladder. Synonym(s): glands of biliary mucosaLuschka ducts - glandlike tubular structures in the wall of the gallbladder, especially in the part covered with peritoneum.Luschka ganglionLuschka gland - Synonym(s): Luschka tonsilLuschka joints - small synovial joints between adjacent lateral lips of the bodies of the lower cervical vertebrae. Synonym(s): uncovertebral jointsLuschka ligaments - fibrous bands that pass from the pericardium to the sternum. Synonym(s): sternopericardial ligamentLuschka musclesLuschka nerveLuschka sinus - venous sinus in the petrosquamous suture.Luschka tonsil - a collection of more or less closely aggregated lymphoid nodules on the posterior wall and roof of the nasopharynx. Synonym(s): Luschka gland; pharyngeal tonsil