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DictionarySeeanomalyPelger-Huet nuclear anomaly
Pel·ger-Hu·ët nu·cle·ar a·nom·a·ly (pel'zhā hū-et'), [MIM*169400] congenital inhibition of lobulation in the nuclei of neutrophilic leukocytes; most cells present band or bilobulate appearance, and only an occasional cell is trilobed; it is not associated with disease, but may be confused with leukocyte "shift to left"; autosomal dominant inheritance.Huët, (Huet), G.J., Dutch physician, 1879–. Huët-Pelger anomaly - Synonym(s): Pelger-Huët nuclear anomalyPelger-Huët nuclear anomaly - see under Pelger
Pelger, Karel, Dutch physician, 1885-1931. Huët-Pelger anomaly - Synonym(s): Pelger-Huët nuclear anomalyPelger-Huët nuclear anomaly - congenital inhibition of lobulation in the nuclei of neutrophilic leukocytes. Synonym(s): Huët-Pelger anomalyFinancialSeeAnomaly |