

单词 talk over

talk over


T0025200 (tôk)v. talked, talk·ing, talks v.intr.1. a. To exchange thoughts or opinions in spoken or sign language; converse: We talked for hours. See Synonyms at speak.b. To utter or pronounce words: The baby can talk.c. To imitate the sounds of human speech: The parrot talks.2. a. To express one's thoughts or emotions by means of spoken language: The candidate talked about the pros and cons of the issue.b. To convey one's thoughts in a way other than by spoken words: talk with one's hands.c. To express one's thoughts or feelings in writing: Voltaire talks about London in this book.d. Usage Problem To convey information in text: The article talks about the latest fashions.3. a. To negotiate with someone; parley: Let's talk instead of fighting.b. To consult or confer with someone: I talked with the doctor.4. To spread rumors; gossip: If you do that, people will talk.5. To allude to something: Are you talking about last week?6. To reveal information concerning oneself or others, especially under pressure: Has the prisoner talked?7. Informal To be efficacious: Money talks.v.tr.1. To utter or pronounce (words): Their son is talking sentences now.2. a. To speak about or discuss (something) or give expression to (something): talk business; talk treason.b. Used to emphasize the extent or seriousness of something being mentioned: The police found money in the car. We're talking significant amounts of money.3. To speak or know how to speak (a language or a language variety): The passenger talked French with the flight crew. Can you talk the local dialect?4. To cause (someone) to be in a certain state or to do something by talking: They talked me into coming.n.1. An exchange of ideas or opinions; a conversation: We had a nice talk over lunch.2. A speech or lecture: He gave a talk on art.3. Hearsay, rumor, or speculation: There is talk of bankruptcy.4. A subject of conversation: a musical that is the talk of the town.5. often talks A conference or negotiation: peace talks.6. a. A particular manner of speech: baby talk; honeyed talk.b. Empty speech or unnecessary discussion: a lot of talk and no action.c. Jargon or slang: prison talk.7. Something, such as the sounds of animals, felt to resemble human talk: whale talk.Phrasal Verbs: talk around1. To persuade: I talked them around to my point of view.2. To speak indirectly about: talked around the subject but never got to the point. talk away To spend (a period of time) by talking: We talked the night away. talk at To address (someone) orally with no regard for or interest in a reaction or response. talk back To make an impertinent or insolent reply. talk down1. To think or speak of as having little worth; depreciate: talked down the importance of the move.2. To speak with insulting condescension: talked down to her subordinates.3. To silence (a person), especially by speaking in a loud and domineering manner.4. To direct and control (the flight of an aircraft during an approach for landing) by radioed instructions either from the ground or a nearby aircraft. talk out1. To discuss (a matter) exhaustively: I talked out the problem with a therapist.2. To resolve or settle by discussion.3. Chiefly British To block (proposed legislation) by filibustering. talk over1. To consider thoroughly in conversation; discuss: talked the matter over.2. To win (someone) over by persuasion: talked them over to our side. talk through To help (someone) do something by giving instructions as the task is being done. talk up1. To speak in favor of; promote: talked the candidate up; talked up the new product.2. To speak loudly in a frank, often insolent manner.Idioms: talk big Informal To brag. talk sense To speak rationally and coherently. talk the talk To speak knowledgeably about something, especially something that one claims or implies one can do well.
[Middle English talken; see del- in Indo-European roots.]Usage Note: The phrasal verbs talk about and (less commonly) talk of sometimes have a piece of writing as their subject, as in The article talks about the humanitarian crisis in the Sudan and The book talks of continuing barriers to free trade. While this usage might seem a natural semantic extension—no different, really, from the similar and widely accepted use of the word discuss—for many people talk remains primarily associated with speaking, and using it for a written medium violates a norm of standard grammar. The Usage Panel has mixed feelings about this construction. In our 2001 survey, 58 percent accepted it in the sentence The book talks about drugs that exist in many of our communities. Writers who wish to avoid the problem can use discuss or another nonspeaking verb such as argue or maintain instead.
Verb1.talk over - speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion; "We discussed our household budget"hash out, discussnegotiate, talk terms, negociate - discuss the terms of an arrangement; "They negotiated the sale of the house"negociate - confer with another in order to come to terms or reach an agreement; "The parties negociated all night"powwow - hold a powwow, talk, conference or meetingdeliberate, debate - discuss the pros and cons of an issuedeliberate, moot, debate, consider, turn over - think about carefully; weigh; "They considered the possibility of a strike"; "Turn the proposal over in your mind"bandy, kick around - discuss lightly; "We bandied around these difficult questions"moderate, chair, lead - preside over; "John moderated the discussion"advise, counsel, rede - give advice to; "The teacher counsels troubled students"; "The lawyer counselled me when I was accused of tax fraud"confer, confab, confabulate, consult - have a conference in order to talk something over; "We conferred about a plan of action"talk of, talk about - discuss or mention; "They spoke of many things"broach, initiate - bring up a topic for discussionbandy about - discuss casually; "bandy about an idea"hammer out, thrash out - discuss vehemently in order to reach a solution or an agreement; "The leaders of the various Middle Eastern countries are trying to hammer out a peace agreement"


verb1. To engage in spoken exchange:chat, confabulate, converse, discourse, speak.Informal: confab, visit.2. To direct speech to:address, speak.3. To express oneself in speech:speak, verbalize, vocalize.Idioms: open one's mouth, put in words, wag one's tongue.4. To put into words:articulate, communicate, convey, declare, express, say, state, tell, utter, vent, verbalize, vocalize, voice.Idiom: give tongue to.5. To engage in or spread gossip:blab, gossip, noise, rumor, tattle, tittle-tattle, whisper.Idioms: tell tales, tell tales out of school.6. To meet and exchange views to reach a decision:advise, confer, consult, deliberate, parley.Informal: powwow.7. To give incriminating information about others, especially to the authorities:inform, tattle, tip (off).Informal: fink.Slang: rat, sing, snitch, squeal, stool.Idiom: blow the whistle.phrasal verb
talk backTo utter an impertinent rejoinder:talk up.Informal: sass, sauce.Idiom: give someone lip.phrasal verb
talk downTo think, represent, or speak of as small or unimportant:belittle, decry, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, detract, discount, disparage, downgrade, minimize, run down, slight.Idiom: make light of.phrasal verb
talk intoTo succeed in causing (a person) to act in a certain way:argue into, bring, bring around (or round), convince, get, induce, persuade, prevail on (or upon), sell (on).phrasal verb
talk overTo speak together and exchange ideas and opinions about:bandy (about), discuss, moot, thrash out (or over), thresh out (or over), toss around.Informal: hash (over), kick around, knock about (or around).Slang: rap.Idiom: go into a huddle.phrasal verb
talk up1. To increase or seek to increase the importance or reputation of by favorable publicity:ballyhoo, boost, build up, enhance, promote, publicize, puff, tout.Informal: plug.Slang: hype.2. To make known vigorously the positive features of (a product):advertise, ballyhoo, build up, cry (up), popularize, promote, publicize.Informal: pitch, plug.Slang: push.3. To utter an impertinent rejoinder:talk back.Informal: sass, sauce.Idiom: give someone lip.noun1. Spoken exchange:chat, colloquy, confabulation, conversation, converse, dialogue, discourse, speech.Informal: confab.Slang: jaw.2. The faculty, act, or product of speaking:discourse, speech, utterance, verbalization, vocalization.3. A usually formal oral communication to an audience:address, allocution, declamation, lecture, oration, prelection, speech.4. The act or process of dealing with another to reach an agreement.Often used in plural:negotiation, parley.


(toːk) verb1. to speak; to have a conversation or discussion. We talked about it for hours; My parrot can talk (= imitate human speech). 談話 谈话2. to gossip. You can't stay here – people will talk! 說閒話 说闲话3. to talk about. They spent the whole time talking philosophy. 談論 谈论 noun1. (sometimes in plural) a conversation or discussion. We had a long talk about it; The Prime Ministers met for talks on their countries' economic problems. 談話 谈话2. a lecture. The doctor gave us a talk on family health. 演講 演讲3. gossip. Her behaviour causes a lot of talk among the neighbours. 閒話 闲话4. useless discussion; statements of things a person says he will do but which will never actually be done. There's too much talk and not enough action. 空談 空谈talkative (ˈtoːkətiv) adjective talking a lot. a talkative person. 健談的 健谈的ˈtalking book noun a book recorded on cassette or disc for blind people, for those with reading problems etc. 有聲讀物 有声读物ˈtalking head noun a TV personality. 電視的特寫頭像 (电视发言者的)头部特写,接受电视采访者 ˈtalking-point noun something to talk about; a subject, especially an interesting one. Football is the main talking-point in my family. 話題 话题ˈtalk show noun (American) a television or radio programme on which (usually famous) people talk to each other and are interviewed. 現場採訪 现场采访ˌtalking-ˈto noun a talk given to someone in order to scold, criticize or blame them. I'll give that child a good talking-to when he gets home! 斥責 斥责talk back (often with to) to answer rudely. Don't talk back to me! 頂嘴 顶嘴talk big to talk as if one is very important; to boast. He's always talking big about his job. 說大話,吹牛 说大话,吹牛 talk down to to speak to (someone) as if he/she is much less important, clever etc. Children dislike being talked down to. 貶低,頤指氣使小看人 贬低,用高人一等的口气对人说话 talk (someone) into / out of (doing) to persuade (someone) (not) to do (something). He talked me into changing my job. 說服某人做(或不做)某事 说服某人做(或不做)某事 talk over to discuss. We talked over the whole idea. 討論, 商量 讨论,商量 talk round1. to persuade. I managed to talk her round. 說服 说服2. to talk about (something) for a long time without reaching the most important point. We talked round the question for hours. 兜圈子談(問題) 兜圈子谈(问题) talk sense/nonsense to say sensible, or ridiculous, things. Don't talk nonsense; I do wish you would talk sense. 說有用(或廢)話 说有用(或废)话 talk shop to talk about one's work. We agreed not to talk shop at the party. 說行話,三句不離本行 说行话,三句不离本行

talk over

talk over

1. To discuss something thoroughly or exhaustively. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "talk" and "over." We talked the deadline over during the meeting. John's coming by to talk over the problems he's been having with his girlfriend. Let me talk this over with my wife before I give you an answer.2. To coax, convince, or persuade someone to adopt one's position, opinion, or point of view. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "talk" and "over." It took some time, but we managed to talk the bosses over to our idea. Janet was reluctant to join our club, but I think we talked her over. Were you able to talk over Bill, or does he still need convincing?3. To speak audibly and understandably while some other noise is being made. I wish I hadn't taken her to the club for our date—we spent the whole evening trying to talk over the music. I had to talk over the sound of the machines, so I hope he understood my instructions.4. To silence or drown out someone by talking more loudly, forcefully, and persistently than them. Every time I tried to raise a concern, the boss just talked right over me. He talked over his opponent throughout the debate.See also: over, talk

talk someone or something over (with someone)

to discuss someone or something with someone. I want to talk John over with my staff. I will talk over this matter with Sam.See also: over, talk

talk something over

to discuss something. Come into my office so we can talk this over. We talked over the plans for nearly an hour.See also: over, talk

talk over something

to use something, such as a microphone, intercom, or telephone, to talk. I don't mind talking over the telephone. I will talk to Jeff over the intercom and see what he thinks about the idea.See also: over, talk

talk over

1. Discuss thoroughly, as in Let's talk over the entire plan and see if we discover any flaws. [First half of 1700s] 2. Win someone over by persuasion, as in We talked them over to our point of view. [First half of 1800s] Also see talk around. See also: over, talk

talk over

v.1. To consider something thoroughly in conversation; discuss something: We talked the matter over. The panel talked over the proposal.2. To succeed in gaining the favor or support of someone by persuasion: We talked them over to our side.3. To speak and be heard amid some loud noise: It is impossible to talk over the noise of the machines.See also: over, talk

talk over

  • verb

Synonyms for talk over

verb speak with others about (something)


  • hash out
  • discuss

Related Words

  • negotiate
  • talk terms
  • negociate
  • powwow
  • deliberate
  • debate
  • moot
  • consider
  • turn over
  • bandy
  • kick around
  • moderate
  • chair
  • lead
  • advise
  • counsel
  • rede
  • confer
  • confab
  • confabulate
  • consult
  • talk of
  • talk about
  • broach
  • initiate
  • bandy about
  • hammer out
  • thrash out




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