Printer's Sheet
Printer’s Sheet
(in Russian, list-ottisk). (1) The unit of measurement of the length of a complete printing (the length of one copy in printer’s sheets multiplied by the number of copies printed). A printer’s sheet, which measures 60 X 90 cm, has an impression on one side and may be in one or more colors. For other sizes a factor is used to convert to the 60 X 90 cm format. The printer’s sheet is used in planning and keeping records of book and magazine production and evaluating the capacity of an enterprise: printing enterprises with an annual output of up to 50 million printer’s sheets are conventionally classified as small; those with an output of up to 250 million, medium; and those with an output of up to 700 million, large. The largest printing enterprises have an output of more than 700 million printer’s sheets per year.
(2) The unit of measurement of the printer’s sheets for an entire printing (the number of printer’s sheets in one copy multiplied by the number of copies printed).