pelvic plane of least dimensions

pel·vic plane of least di·men·sions

the plane that extends from the end of the sacrum to the inferior border of the pubic symphysis; it is bounded posteriorly by the end of the sacrum, laterally by the ischial spines, and anteriorly by the inferior border of the pubic symphysis. Synonym(s): midplane, plane of least pelvic dimensions, plane of midpelvis, third parallel pelvic plane

pel·vic plane of least di·men·sions

(pel'vik plān lēst di-men'shŭnz) The plane that extends from the end of the sacrum to the inferior border of the pubic symphysis; it is bounded posteriorly by the end of the sacrum, laterally by the ischial spines, and anteriorly by the inferior border of the pubic symphysis.