pelvic presentation

breech pre·sen·ta·tion

presentation of any part of the pelvic extremity of the fetus, the nates, knees, or feet; more properly only of the nates; frank breech presentation occurs when the fetus presents by the pelvic extremity; the thighs may be flexed and the legs extended over the anterior surfaces of the body; in full breech presentation, the thighs may be flexed on the abdomen and the legs upon the thighs; and in footling presentation, foot presentation, the feet may be the lowest part; in incomplete foot presentation, incomplete knee presentation, one leg may retain the position that is typical of one of the above-mentioned presentations, while the other foot or knee may present. Synonym(s): pelvic presentation


(pre?zen-ta'shun) [L. praesentatio] 1. In obstetrics, the position of the fetus presenting itself to the examining finger in the vagina or rectum (e.g., longitudinal or normal and transverse or pathologic presentation).PRESENTATIONS OF FETUS2. The relationship of the long axis of fetus to that of the mother; also called lie. See: illustration; position for table 3. The fetal body part that first enters the maternal pelvis. See: position for table

breech presentation

Fetal position in which the buttocks comes first. Breech presentation is of three types: complete breech, when the thighs of the fetus are flexed on the abdomen and the legs flexed upon the thighs; frank breech, when the legs of the fetus are extended over the anterior surface of the body; and footling, when a foot or feet present. Footling can be single, double, or, if the leg remains flexed, knee presentation. Synonym: pelvic presentation

brow presentation

Fetal position in which the brow or face of the infant comes first during labor, making vaginal delivery almost impossible. Cesarean section may be needed if the presentation cannot be altered.

cephalic presentation

Presentation of the head of the fetus in any position.

compound presentation

Fetal position in which a prolapsed limb is alongside the main presenting part.

face presentation

Fetal position in which the head of the fetus is sharply extended so that the face comes first.

footling presentation

Fetal position in which the feet come first. See: breech presentation

funic presentation

Appearance of the umbilical cord during labor.

longitudinal presentation

Presentation in which the long axis of the fetus is parallel to the long axis of the mother.

oblique presentation

Presentation in which the long axis of the fetus is oblique to that of the mother.

pelvic presentation

Breech presentation.

placental presentation

Placenta previa.

shoulder presentation

Presentation in which the shoulder of the fetus is the presenting part.

transverse presentation

Presentation with the fetus lying crosswise.

vertex presentation

Presentation of the upper and back part of the fetal head.