pelvic ultrasonography

pelvic ultrasonography

Obstetric ultrasonography Obstetrics A form of sonography in which 'real time' images are analyzed to provide information on the fetus or status of ♀ pelvis organs and structures. Cf Biophysical profile, Radiologic pelvimetry. Pelvic ultrasonography indications Obstetrics Early diagnosis of pregnancy, twin–or 'higher multiple', or ectopic pregnancy; identifying placental abnormalties that may compromise pregnancy–eg placenta previa, abuptio placentae, differentiation between pregnancy and placental tumors–moles and choriocarcinomas, determine fetal age, fetus' position, placental position prior to amniocentesis, monitor the rate of fetal growth Gynecology Identify the presence of and differentiate among lesions–cysts, abscesses, or benign or malignant tumors of the uterus, ovaries, and pelvic organs and tissues


(ul?tra-so-nog'ra-fe) [ ultra- + sonography] The use of ultrasound to produce an image or photograph of an organ or tissue. Synonym: sonographyultrasonographic (son?o-graf'ik), adjective

arterial duplex ultrasonography

A diagnostic procedure that helps to identify areas within arteries where blood flow is blocked or reduced. See: LEASDOPPLER ULTRASONOGRAPHY: Doppler probe used on (A) dorsal pedis and (B) posterior tibial arteries

Doppler ultrasonography

The shift in frequency produced when an ultrasound wave is echoed from something in motion. The use of the Doppler effect permits measuring the velocity of that which is being studied, e.g., blood flow in a vessel. See: illustration

endobronchial ultrasonography

Abbreviation: EBUS
The fitting of a bronchoscope with an ultrasound transducer to identify masses adjacent to the bronchi. EBUS has been used to improve the diagnostic yield of transbronchial lung biopsies and needle aspiration in patients suspected of having lung cancer and sarcoidosis.

four-dimensional ultrasonography

An ultrasonic technique, often used during pregnancy, providing images of the fetus in three dimensions and in real time. Tthe technique is called four dimensional because there are three spatial variables plus time

gray-scale ultrasonography

Sonographic B-mode scanning that permits echoes to be displayed in shades of gray according to their amplitudes.

pelvic ultrasonography

Transvaginal ultrasonography.

three-dimensional ultrasonography

, three-dimensional ultrasound, 3D ultrasonography, 3D ultrasoundAn ultrasonic technique, often used during pregnancy, providing images of the fetus in three dimensions.

transrectal ultrasonography of the prostate

The use of an ultrasonic detection device placed in the rectum in order to guide biopsy of the prostate.

transvaginal ultrasonography

An ultrasonic examination of the uterus, fallopian tubes, endometrium, and, in pregnant patients, the fetus, by placing a transducer inside the vagina.

Patient care

It may be used to diagnose ectopic pregnancy, determine multiple pregnancies, locate the placenta, identify ovarian cysts and pelvic cancers, and visualize tubo-ovarian abscesses. The patient prepares for the ultrasound by removing her clothing from the waist down and dressing in a clean gown. She is helped into a supine position on an examination table, and her knees are placed in approx. 90° of flexion with her feet supported in stirrups. The ultrasound transducer is covered with a condom or sterile glove coated with a lubricant gel. The patient is told that the probe will be inserted into her vagina, and that the gel may feel cold and slippery. The probe is then directed toward the internal organs, from which sound wave (echo) images are obtained, usually painlessly and without ionizing radiation exposure.

Synonym: endovaginal ultrasound; pelvic ultrasonography