pelvic version


 [ver´zhun] the act of turning; especially the manual turning of the fetus in delivery.bipolar version turning done by acting upon both poles of the fetus by either external or combined version.cephalic version turning of the fetus so that the head is the presenting part.combined version external and internal versions together.external version that done using outside manipulation.internal version that done using the hand or fingers inserted through the dilated cervix.pelvic version version by manipulation of the breech (buttocks) of the fetus.podalic version conversion of a more unfavorable presentation into a presentation" >footling presentation.spontaneous version one that occurs without aid from any extraneous force.

pel·vic ver·sion

version by means of which a transverse or oblique presentation is converted into a pelvic presentation by manipulating the buttocks of the fetus.

pel·vic ver·sion

(pel'vik vĕr'zhŭn) Fetal position by means of which a transverse or oblique presentation is converted into a pelvic presentation by manipulating the buttocks of the fetus.

pelvic version

Turning a fetus from a transverse lie to a vertex (head down) presentation.See also: version