释义 |
pelviotomy [pel″ve-ot´ah-me] incision or transection of a pelvic (hip) bone.pelviotomy (pĕl′vē-ŏt′ə-mē) or pelvitomy (pĕl-vĭt′ə-mē)n.1. See symphysiotomy.2. See pubiotomy.3. See pyelotomy.pelviotomy An older term for the surgical incision into: (1) The renal pelvis (e.g., pyelotomy); (2) The bony pelvis (e.g., symphysiotomy, pubiotomy).pu·bi·ot·o·my (pyū'bē-ot'ŏ-mē) Severance of the pubic bone a few centimeters lateral to the symphysis, to increase the capacity of a contracted pelvis sufficiently to permit the passage of a living child. Synonym(s): pelviotomy (2) , pelvitomy. [L. pubis, pubic bone, + G. tomē, incision]
py·e·lot·o·my (pī'ĕ-lot'ŏ-mē) Incision into the pelvis of the kidney. Synonym(s): pelviotomy (3) , pelvitomy. [pyelo- + G. tomē, incision]
sym·phys·i·ot·o·my , symphyseotomy (sim-fiz'ē-ot'ŏ-mē) Division of the pubic joint to increase the capacity of a contracted pelvis sufficiently to permit passage of a living child. Synonym(s): pelviotomy (1) , pelvitomy, synchondrotomy. [symphysis + G. tomē, incision] |