Trnka, Bohumil

Trnka, Bohumil


Born June 3,1895, in Kletecná. Czech linguist and literary scholar. Doctor of philological sciences.

In 1919, Trnka graduated from Charles University, where he became a professor in 1930. He was a member of the Linguistic Circle of Prague. Trnka’s principal works deal with Germanic philology, primarily the phonology and syntax of English. In the field of theoretical linguistics, Trnka is developing a functional approach to language. Trnka has written articles on diachronic phonology and numerous works on English literature, including History of English Literature (vols. 1–4,2nd ed., 1959–65).


On the Syntax of the English Verb From Caxton to Dryden. Prague, 1930.
Pokus o vědeckou teorii a praktickou reformu těsnopisu. Prague, 1937.
A Tentative Bibliography. Utrecht, 1950.
Rozbor nynějšíspisovnéangličliny, 2nd ed-, vols. 1–2. Prague, 1962.
Fonetický a fonologický vývoj slova v nové angličtině, 2nd ed., vols. 1–2. Prague, 1962.


Nosek, J. “Soupis praci univ. prof. B. Trnki [1914–1954].” Časopis pro modermífilotogii, 1955, nos. 2–3.
Nosek, J. “Bibliography of Prof. B. Trnka’s Work, 1955–1965.”
Philologicapragensia, 1965, nos. 3–4.