Voskresensk Chemical Combine

Voskresensk Chemical Combine


(full name, V. V. Kuibyshev Voskresensk Chemical Combine), one of the largest enterprises in the USSR for the production of sulfuric acid and of mineral fertilizers. Located in the city of Voskresensk, Moscow Oblast.

In 1931 the Voskresensk Chemical Combine began manufacturing its first product×2014;phosphoritic fertilizer. From 1931 to 1940 plant sections went into operation for the production of simple superphosphate, sulfuric acid by the Mills-Packard tower process, dicalcium phosphate, and silica gel; contact processing sections for sulfuric acid and colloid graphite preparations were also commissioned. During the Great Patriotic War (1941-45) some production facilities were dismantled and sent to other regions of the country, and other sections were reequipped to manufacture products needed on the battlefront.

Between 1947 and 1968 the combine built new sections and modernized old sections. In 1947 a section was set up for sulfurized coal. In 1950 production of granulated superphosphate went into operation. In 1955 a method of pyrite roasting in furnaces with a ×201C;fluidized bed×201D; was introduced. In 1961 a section was started for the production of borodatolite fertilizer, and the manufacture of sodium hydrosulfite began. In 1962 production began of wet-process phosphoric acid to obtain double superphosphate. In 1964 the double super-phosphate section began manufacturing. In 1968 a section for evaporated wet-process phosphoric acid went into operation, and in 1969 a compound fertilizer section and a polyethylene container section were built. The plant was awarded the Order of Lenin in 1966.