pelvospondylitis ossificans


 [pel″vo-spon″dĭ-li´tis] inflammation of the pelvic portion of the spine.pelvospondylitis ossi´ficans ankylosing spondylitis.

pel·vo·spon·dy·li·tis os·sif·i·cans

(pel'vō-spon'di-lī'tis os-if'i-kanz), Deposit of bony substance between the vertebrae of the sacrum. [L. pelvis, basin, + G. spondylos, vertebra, + -itis; L. os, bone, + facio, to make]


(pĕl″vō-spŏn″dĭ-lī′tĭs) [″ + Gr. spondylos, vertebra, + itis, inflammation] Inflammation of the pelvic portion of the spine.

pelvospondylitis ossificans

Any inflammatory spondylitis.