Acronym | Definition |
SNP➣Single-Nucleotide Polymorphism |
SNP➣Scottish National Party |
SNP➣Security News Portal |
SNP➣Shenandoah National Park (Virginia) |
SNP➣Sodium Nitroprusside |
SNP➣Special Needs Plan |
SNP➣San Clemente (Amtrak station code; San Clemente, CA) |
SNP➣Sniper |
SNP➣Serial Number and Password |
SNP➣Snapshot File |
SNP➣Shared Non Protected Pair |
SNP➣Sequence Number Protection |
SNP➣Supply Network Planning |
SNP➣Social Networking Platform |
SNP➣China Petroleum and Chemical (NYSE) |
SNP➣Scalable Networking Pack (Microsoft) |
SNP➣Seychelles National Party |
SNP➣Scottish Nationalist Party |
SNP➣State Nature Preserves (Kentucky) |
SNP➣Sidewall Neutron Porosity (energy exploration) |
SNP➣Service Not Provided |
SNP➣Slovenské Národné Povstanie (Slovak National Uprising) |
SNP➣Syndicat national des psychologues (French) |
SNP➣Spay/Neuter Program (various organizations) |
SNP➣Suburban News Publications (Columbus, OH) |
SNP➣Starry Night Pro |
SNP➣Syndicat National des Propriétaires (French: National Union of Owners) |
SNP➣Serial Number/Password |
SNP➣Solar Neutrino Problem |
SNP➣Secure Network Programming |
SNP➣Subnetwork Protocol |
SNP➣Strategic National Stockpile |
SNP➣Sequence Number PDU (Protocol Data Unit) |
SNP➣Strangeness Nuclear Physics |
SNP➣Société de Néphrologie Pédiatrique (French: Society of Pediatric Nephrology) |
SNP➣Series Ninety Protocol (GE Fanuc PLC protocol) |
SNP➣Shared Non-protected Pair (frequencies shared by, but not protected from other users) |
SNP➣St. Nectarios Press (Seattle, WA) |
SNP➣Sudanese National Party (political group) |
SNP➣Supply Network Planner |
SNP➣Special Needs Preschool |
SNP➣Saint Paul Island Airport (Alaska) |
SNP➣Snap Shot Viewer |
SNP➣Small Nuclear Protein |
SNP➣Spontaneous Neuropathic Pain |
SNP➣Skip No Pass (table rule on net card games) |
SNP➣Sindicato Nacional de Policía (Spanish: National Union of Police; Spain) |
SNP➣Suspend for Non-Payment |
SNP➣Sans Numéro de Page (French: Without Page Number) |
SNP➣Société Nouvelle Plomberie (French: New Plumbing Company) |