
PRIVIES. Persons who are partakers, or have an interest in any action or thing, or any relation to another. Wood, Inst. b. 2, c. 3, p. 255; 2 Tho. Co. Lit. 506 Co. Lit. 271, a.
2. There aye several kinds of privies, namely, privies in blood, as the heir is to the ancestor; privies in representation, as is the executor or administrator to the deceased privies in estate, as the relation between the donor and donee, lessor and lessee; privies in respect to contracts; and privies on account of estate and contract together. Tho. Co. Lit. 506; Prest. Con v. 327 to 345. Privies have also been divided into privies in fact, and privies in law. 8 Co. 42 b. Vide Vin. Ab. Privily; 5 Coin. Dig. 347; Ham. on Part. 131; Woodf. Land. & Ten. 279, 1 Dane's Ab. c. 1, art. 6.