ureteropelvic junction obstruction

u·re·ter·o·pel·vic junc·tion ob·struc·tion

an impediment to the drainage of urine from the kidney, usually due to partial or intermittent blockage of the renal collecting system at the junction of the renal pelvis and ureter.

ureteropelvic junction obstruction

Obstruction of ureteropelvic junction; UP junction obstruction Urology A congenital obstruction at the junction between the ureter and renal pelvis, caused by ureteral stenosis, resulting in accumulation of urine in the pelvis under pressure, ergo hydronephrosis; UPJ obstruction is the most common cause of urinary obstruction in children Clinical Abdominal mass in infant with UTI, fever, back pain, hematuria Management Kidney decompression before or after delivery. See Hydronephrosis.