urethral syndrome

u·re·thral syn·drome

a condition of no certain etiology, characterized by urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria in the absence of specific infection, obstruction, or dysfunction. Suprapubic pain, hesitancy, and back pain may also occur. Usually seen in females.

u·re·thral syn·drome

a condition of no certain etiology, characterized by urinary frequency, urgency, dysuria in the absence of specific infection, obstruction, or dysfunction. Suprapubic pain, hesitancy, and back pain may also occur. Usually seen in females.

urethral syndrome

Chronic urethritis Urology Chronic inflammation and irritation of the urethra, usually caused by bacterial infection or structures, may be associated with emotional distress Clinical Urethritis, painful urination and urinary frequency, Sx which are common and account for 5 to 10% of all outpatient health care visits

urethral syndrome

A condition, affecting mainly females, in which symptoms suggesting CYSTITIS or URETHRITIS occur but in which no infecting organisms can be found in the urine. There are several possible causes including local allergies and congestion of the urethra from sexual intercourse.