Veterinary Sanitation Institute

Veterinary Sanitation Institute


All-Union Scientific Research Veterinary Sanitation Institute (VNI-IVS). Organized in 1955 in Moscow. The institute has 18 laboratories (1970): mycology and feed sanitation; veterinary-sanitary certification of meat, fish, and other food products; milk sanitation; disinfection; entomology and insect extermination; sanitation microbiology; rodent extermination; radiobiology; toxicology; animal hygiene; certification of plans for animal-husbandry installations; testing of new technology; planning and design; aerosol studies; chemistry; economics and implementation of scientific achievements; information and coordination of scientific work; and arachnology and acarid extermination. Under the institute’s supervision are its branch in Tiumen’, the experimental-production farm Milet, and research centers in Ternopol’, Georgia, and Voronezh. The institute studies problems of disinfection, insect extermination, and rodent extermination in animal husbandry; the prophylaxis of intoxication of agricultural animals with toxic fungi; the influence of pesticides and other chemical substances on the bodies of animals and accumulation of these substances in animal products; problems of veterinary-sanitary certification and also the mechanization of veterinary-sanitary work. The Tiumen’ branch studies zonal characteristics of the ecology and biology of blood-sucking flies, flies, and subcutaneous gadflies under Western Siberian conditions and develops measures for their control. Recommendations on disinfection of animal-husbandry installations and of raw materials of animal origin have been elaborated by the institute and implemented in production, as well as recommendations on several new disinfectants, rodenticides, and insecticides and the methods for their use; methods of sanitary-hygienic treatment of animals and of milking apparatus; recommendations for raising the quality of feeds; preparations for diagnosis of mastitis; and a disinfection apparatus system. The institute coordinates scientific research work and provides methodological guidance in veterinary sanitation in the USSR. A graduate program is available. A journal, Trudy: Problemy veterinarnoi sanitarii (Works: Problems of Veterinary Sanitation), has been published annually since 1955.