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talocalcaneonavicular joint
ta·lo·cal·ca·ne·o·na·vic·u·lar joint [TA] a ball-and-socket synovial joint, part of which comprises the medial component of the complex transverse tarsal joint; it is formed by the head of the talus articulating with the navicular bone and the anterior part of the calcaneus; the joint also participates in the clinical or functional subtalar (taleocalcaneal) joint. Synonym(s): articulatio talocalcaneonavicularis [TA]ta·lo·cal·ca·ne·o·na·vic·u·lar joint (tā'lō-kal-kā'nē-ō-nă-vik'kyū-lăr joynt) [TA] A ball-and-socket synovial joint, a portion of which participates in the transverse tarsal joint, formed by the head of the talus articulating with the navicular bone and the anterior part of the calcaneus. |