Bendery Uprising of 1919
Bendery Uprising of 1919
an armed uprising by the working masses of the city of Bendery against the occupation of Bessarabia by the Rumanian monarchy and for the establishment of Soviet power in the region. It began at dawn on May 27. The insurgents, together with a small Red Army unit, which had been sent from across the Dnestr River, captured the treasury building, the railroad station, and other points in the city. Part of the occupying forces stationed in the city, consisting of French and Rumanian soldiers, supported the insurgents. However, the command staff of the interventionist forces succeeded by the evening of the same day in savagely suppressing the uprising.
Berezniakov, N. V., Ia. M. Kopanskii, and V. N. Platon. Pod krasnym znamenem revoliutsii. Kishinev, 1965.Bor’ba trudiashchikhsia Moldavii protiv interventov i vnutrennei kontrrevoliutsiiv 1917–1920 gg.:Sb. dokumentov. Kishinev, 1967.