stand shoulder to shoulder

stand shoulder to shoulder

To remain united in support, especially during a period of difficulty. The members of this committee have had their differences, but you can be sure that we stand shoulder to shoulder when it comes to this issue. We will not let hate tear this town apart. It's encouraging to see students and faculty standing shoulder to shoulder after the tragedy.See also: shoulder, stand

stand shoulder to shoulder

COMMON If you stand shoulder to shoulder with a group of people, you work together with them and support them to achieve the same aim. Perreira, who had stood shoulder to shoulder with his players throughout the campaign, simply said `I want to be with my team.' For decades, we have stood shoulder to shoulder, both in times of peace and in times of war.See also: shoulder, stand

be, stand, act, etc. ˌshoulder to ˈshoulder (with somebody)

be supporting somebody or in agreement with somebody: We fought shoulder to shoulder to defend our country.I stand shoulder to shoulder with Julia on this important issue.See also: shoulder