sunrise model

sunrise model

 a conceptual model of nursing developed by Madeleine M. leininger to depict the components of the cultural care diversity and universality theory of nursing, named from the form of its graphic appearance. Each culture has a world view and cultural and social structure, which are learned through language and environment contexts. These contexts include technological factors, religious and philosophical factors, kinship and social factors, cultural values and beliefs, political and legal factors, educational factors, and economic factors. All of these language and environmental contexts influence the care and health patterns and expressions of individuals, families, groups, and institutions; all of the latter participate in diverse health systems, which include both folk and professional systems. The nursing subsystem spans both the folk system and the professional system. To provide culture-congruent care, nurses use knowledge gained through analysis of the components of the model to make nursing care decisions based on cultural care preservation/maintenance (deliverative-assistive or facilitative decisions that include methods of preserving or maintaining lifeways or values beneficial to the client), cultural care accommodation/negotiation (cognitive-assistive decisions that take into account the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of the client), or cultural care repatterning/restructuring (assistive or facilitative decisions that combine several different aspects of the client's culture in a way that is beneficial or meaningful to the client).