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DictionarySeeinsufficiencyvenous insufficiency
Venous Insufficiency DefinitionVenous insufficiency is described as abnormal blood flow through veins that can cause local damage, damage to affected legs, or death.DescriptionSyndromes related to venous insufficiency are caused by valve incompetence. Venous insufficiency is a chronic (long term) condition. The number of new and existing cases is dependent on age and gender. Some patients may have a positive family history. Usually older persons and females are more commonly affected. Deep situated and superficial veins can be affected. Cancer obstructing veins in the pelvis area can cause superficial venous insufficiency. Deep venous insufficiency is commonly caused by thrombophlebitis, causing obstruction of valves that regulate blood flow in veins. Small veins that have been occluded by a thrombosis may re-canalize (opening up new channels to re-direct blood flow). These re-canalized veins are inadequate and cannot correct the impairment of flow. However, larger veins may still remain occluded. When a thrombosis occurs the valves that regulate venous blood flow become thickened and incompetent, rendering them incapable of regulating back flow of blood. This valvular incompetence will cause an increase in the presence within veins (venous hypertension). Venous hypertension is responsible for most of the symptoms associated with venous disease. Superficial veins can become dilated causing varicose veins (veins that bulge and seem tortuous). Leg ulcers can be severe and are responsible for 100,000 cases of disability in the United States alone.Causes and symptomsThe symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can be subjective and objective. Subjective symptoms include throbbing, cramping, burning sensations, and leg fatigue. Patients can also develop chronic leg ulcers that may not heal. Varicose veins in the legs can bleed (since veins are delicate structures with thin walls) and cause death. Patients often develop fluid retention (edema) in the affected limb. Skin changes can occur and affected areas can become thin, shiny, discolored (blue-purple), and atrophic. The skin usually becomes thick and tough.DiagnosisThere are several techniques used to diagnose venous disease. Electrical impedance plethysmography (IPG) provides a functional evaluation for outflow obstruction ultrasound (a machine that transmits sound waves) studies can visualize the venous system in certain areas. Another technique called duplex scanning can measure velocity within a vein.TreatmentPeriodic elevation of legs and bed rest can help with leg swelling. Patients are advised to avoid prolonged periods of standing or sitting. Wearing compression stockings can also reduce swelling of the leg. Mild skin infections can be treated with compresses, steroids, and, if infection is present, with antibiotics. Ulcerations can be treated with compresses, possible surgery, special ointments, and a semi-rigid boot that helps improve blood flow. Varicose veins can be treated with elastic stockings. About 15-20% of patients require surgery, but only after careful evaluation and specialized testing confirms a beneficial value.PrognosisThe prognosis is variable and depends on the progression of disease, extent of damage, and the presence of other diseases, which may affect the cardiovascular system.PreventionPersons who have a strong family history, evidence of disease, and/or those who stand on their legs many hours daily should discuss the option of elastic stocking with their primary clinician.ResourcesBooksGoroll, Alan H., et al. Primary Care Medicine. 4th ed. Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins, 2000.Townsend, Courtney M. Sabiston Textbook of Surgery. 16th ed. W. B. Saunders Company, 2001.Key termsAtrophic — A wasting of cells and tissues.Thrombophlebitis — Venous inflammation with formation of a thrombus.Thrombus — A clot in the cardiovascular system (the system that circulates blood throughout the body).insufficiency [in″sŭ-fish´en-se] inability to perform properly an allotted function; called also incompetence.adrenal insufficiency abnormally diminished activity of the adrenal gland; called also hypoadrenalism.adrenocortical insufficiency abnormally diminished secretion of corticosteroids by the adrenal cortex; see also addison's disease. Called also hypoadrenocorticism and hypocorticism.aortic insufficiency inadequate closure of the valve" >aortic valve, permitting regurgitation" >aortic regurgitation.coronary insufficiency decreased supply of blood to the myocardium resulting from constriction or obstruction of the coronary arteries, but not accompanied by necrosis of the myocardial cells. Called also myocardial ischemia.ileocecal insufficiency inability of the valve" >ileocecal valve to prevent backflow of contents from the cecum into the ileum.mitral insufficiency inadequate closure of the valve" >mitral valve, permitting regurgitation" >mitral regurgitation.placental insufficiency dysfunction of the placenta, with reduction in the area of exchange of nutrients; it often leads to fetal growth retardation.pulmonary insufficiency 1. pulmonary valve insufficiency.2. respiratory insufficiency.pulmonary valve insufficiency inadequate closure of the valve" >pulmonary valve, permitting regurgitation" >pulmonic regurgitation.respiratory insufficiency see respiratory insufficiency.thyroid insufficiency hypothyroidism.tricuspid insufficiency incomplete closure of the valve" >tricuspid valve, resulting in regurgitation" >tricuspid regurgitation.valvular insufficiency failure of a cardiac valve to close perfectly, causing regurgitation" >valvular regurgitation; see also aortic, mitral, pulmonary, and tricuspid insufficiency.velopharyngeal insufficiency inadequate closure" >velopharyngeal closure, due to a condition such as cleft palate or muscular dysfunction, resulting in defective speech.venous insufficiency inadequacy of the venous valves and impairment of venous return from the lower limbs (stasis" >venous stasis), often with edema and sometimes with ulcers" >stasis ulcers at the ankle. ve·nous in·suf·fi·cien·cyinadequate drainage of venous blood from a part, resulting in edema or dermatosis.venous insufficiency Internal medicine A state in which one or more veins do not allow normal blood flow due damage of internal valves, resulting in leakage and pooling of blood in legs and feet Clinical Swelling and dull aching, heaviness, cramping of legs, discoloration of overlying skin. See Deep venous thrombosis, Stasis dermatitis, varicose veins. ve·nous in·suf·fi·cien·cy (vē'nŭs in'sŭ-fish'ĕn-sē) Inadequate drainage of venous blood from a part, resulting in edema or dermatosis; most often seen in veins in the lower extremities. LegalSeeInsufficiency |