

单词 thaw



T0144200 (thô)v. thawed, thaw·ing, thaws v.intr.1. To change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming.2. To lose stiffness, numbness, or impermeability by being warmed: left the frozen turkey out until it thawed; thawed out by sitting next to the stove.3. To become warm enough for snow and ice to melt.4. To become less formal, aloof, or reserved.v.tr. To cause to thaw.n.1. The process of thawing.2. A period of warm weather during which ice and snow melt.3. A relaxation of reserve, restraints, or tensions.
[Middle English thawen, from Old English thawian.]


(θɔː) vb1. to melt or cause to melt from a solid frozen state: the snow thawed. 2. to become or cause to become unfrozen; defrost3. (intr) to be the case that the ice or snow is melting: it's thawing fast. 4. (intr) to become more sociable, relaxed, or friendlyn5. the act or process of thawing6. (Physical Geography) a spell of relatively warm weather, causing snow or ice to melt7. an increase in relaxation or friendliness[Old English thawian; related to Old High German douwen to thaw, Old Norse theyja to thaw, Latin tabēre to waste away] ˈthawer n ˈthawless adj



v.i. 1. to pass or change from a frozen to a liquid or semiliquid state; melt. 2. to be freed from the physical effect of frost or extreme cold (sometimes fol. by out): Sit by the fire and thaw out. 3. (of the weather) to become warm enough to melt ice and snow. 4. to become less hostile, tense, or aloof: International relations thawed. v.t. 5. to cause to thaw. 6. to make less hostile, tense, or aloof. n. 7. the act or process of thawing. 8. a reduction or easing in tension or hostility. 9. (in winter or in areas where freezing weather is the norm) weather warm enough to melt ice and snow. 10. a period of such weather. 11. the thaw, the period in spring when ice in waterways breaks up enough to allow navigation. [before 1000; (v.) Middle English; Old English thawian, c. Middle Low German dōien, Old High German douwen; akin to Old Norse theyja]


Past participle: thawed
Gerund: thawing
I thaw
you thaw
he/she/it thaws
we thaw
you thaw
they thaw
I thawed
you thawed
he/she/it thawed
we thawed
you thawed
they thawed
Present Continuous
I am thawing
you are thawing
he/she/it is thawing
we are thawing
you are thawing
they are thawing
Present Perfect
I have thawed
you have thawed
he/she/it has thawed
we have thawed
you have thawed
they have thawed
Past Continuous
I was thawing
you were thawing
he/she/it was thawing
we were thawing
you were thawing
they were thawing
Past Perfect
I had thawed
you had thawed
he/she/it had thawed
we had thawed
you had thawed
they had thawed
I will thaw
you will thaw
he/she/it will thaw
we will thaw
you will thaw
they will thaw
Future Perfect
I will have thawed
you will have thawed
he/she/it will have thawed
we will have thawed
you will have thawed
they will have thawed
Future Continuous
I will be thawing
you will be thawing
he/she/it will be thawing
we will be thawing
you will be thawing
they will be thawing
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been thawing
you have been thawing
he/she/it has been thawing
we have been thawing
you have been thawing
they have been thawing
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been thawing
you will have been thawing
he/she/it will have been thawing
we will have been thawing
you will have been thawing
they will have been thawing
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been thawing
you had been thawing
he/she/it had been thawing
we had been thawing
you had been thawing
they had been thawing
I would thaw
you would thaw
he/she/it would thaw
we would thaw
you would thaw
they would thaw
Past Conditional
I would have thawed
you would have thawed
he/she/it would have thawed
we would have thawed
you would have thawed
they would have thawed
Noun1.thaw - the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquidthaw - the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid; "the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster"; "the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours"melt, melting, thawingheating, warming - the process of becoming warmer; a rising temperaturephase change, phase transition, physical change, state change - a change from one state (solid or liquid or gas) to another without a change in chemical composition
2.thaw - warm weather following a freezethaw - warm weather following a freeze; snow and ice melt; "they welcomed the spring thaw"thawing, warmingatmospheric condition, weather, weather condition, conditions - the atmospheric conditions that comprise the state of the atmosphere in terms of temperature and wind and clouds and precipitation; "they were hoping for good weather"; "every day we have weather conditions and yesterday was no exception"; "the conditions were too rainy for playing in the snow"
3.thaw - a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve; becoming less hostile; "the thaw between the United States and Russia has led to increased cooperation in world affairs"loosening, slackening, relaxation - an occurrence of control or strength weakening; "the relaxation of requirements"; "the loosening of his grip"; "the slackening of the wind"
Verb1.thaw - become or cause to become soft or liquidthaw - become or cause to become soft or liquid; "The sun melted the ice"; "the ice thawed"; "the ice cream melted"; "The heat melted the wax"; "The giant iceberg dissolved over the years during the global warming phase"; "dethaw the meat"dethaw, unfreeze, unthaw, melt, dissolvedeliquesce - melt or become liquid by absorbing moisture from the air; "this type of salt deliquesces easily"defrost, deice, de-ice - make or become free of frost or ice; "Defrost the car window"flux, liquify, liquefy - become liquid or fluid when heated; "the frozen fat liquefied"


verb melt, dissolve, soften, defrost, warm, liquefy, unfreeze The snow hasn't had a chance to thaw.
freeze, chill, harden, stiffen, solidify, congeal


verbTo change from a solid to a liquid:deliquesce, dissolve, flux, fuse, liquefy, melt, run.


(θoː) verb1. (of ice, snow etc) to melt, or make or become liquid. The snow thawed quickly. (冰雪)融化 (冰雪)融化 2. (of frozen food etc) to make or become unfrozen. Frozen food must be thawed before cooking. (食品等)解凍 (食品等)解冻 noun (the time of) the melting of ice and snow at the end of winter, or the change of weather that causes this. The thaw has come early this year. 解凍的氣候 解冻的气候


thaw out

1. To warm up enough to gradually become unfrozen. Make sure you let the turkey thaw out completely in the fridge before you cook it.2. By extension, to become warm after feeling extremely cold. Come thaw out over here by the fire.3. To unfreeze something by gradually warming it up. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "thaw" and "out." I was planning on thawing some chicken breasts to make a stir fry for dinner.4. By extension, to warm someone or something up after being extremely cold. In this usage, a noun or pronoun can be used between "thaw" and "out." I'm going to start the fire in the living room to that the kids out when they come in from playing in the snow.See also: out, thaw


1. Warmed up, especially after feeling very cold. After for being out in that frigid weather for so long, I'm looking forward to getting thawed by the fire at my grandparents' house. I gave him a large glass of whiskey to help him feel a bit thawed.2. obsolete slang Drunk. A number of gentlemen in the committee were decidedly thawed after such copious amounts of wine were passed around.See also: thaw

thaw out

to warm up from being frozen. How long will it take for the chicken to thaw out? I can't wait for the cake to thaw out. I want some now!See also: out, thaw

thaw someone or something out

to raise the temperature of someone or something above freezing; to warm someone up. We need to get inside so I can thaw my brother out. His toes are almost frozen. Did you thaw out the chicken?See also: out, thaw

thaw out

v.1. To change from a frozen solid to a liquid by gradual warming: The lake won't thaw out until the middle of April.2. To lose stiffness, numbness, or impermeability by being warmed: The skiers gathered around the fireplace to thaw out.3. To cause something to lose stiffness, numbness, or impermeability by being warmed: The hot sun thawed out the frozen ground. Get another stick of butter from the freezer, and thaw it out in the microwave.4. To become less formal, aloof, or reserved: The new babysitter looked stern but quickly thawed out after meeting the children.See also: out, thaw


mod. alcohol intoxicated. Tad is sort of soppy, you might say, thawed. See also: thaw



a spell of relatively warm weather, causing snow or ice to melt



a rise in temperature to above freezing during a prolonged cold period. A thaw occurs when air warmer than 0°C spreads from warmer regions or when air is heated locally by solar radiation.


[thȯ] (climatology) A warm spell during which ice and snow melt, as a January thaw.


THAWTony Hawk's American Wasteland (video game)
THAWThe Heat and Warmth Fund
THAWTheaters Against War
THAWTemporary Heating Assistance for Warmth (Ohio)
THAWTime-Harmonic Acoustic Wave


  • all
  • verb
  • noun

Synonyms for thaw

verb melt


  • melt
  • dissolve
  • soften
  • defrost
  • warm
  • liquefy
  • unfreeze


  • freeze
  • chill
  • harden
  • stiffen
  • solidify
  • congeal

Synonyms for thaw

verb to change from a solid to a liquid


  • deliquesce
  • dissolve
  • flux
  • fuse
  • liquefy
  • melt
  • run

Synonyms for thaw

noun the process whereby heat changes something from a solid to a liquid


  • melt
  • melting
  • thawing

Related Words

  • heating
  • warming
  • phase change
  • phase transition
  • physical change
  • state change

noun warm weather following a freeze


  • thawing
  • warming

Related Words

  • atmospheric condition
  • weather
  • weather condition
  • conditions

noun a relaxation or slackening of tensions or reserve

Related Words

  • loosening
  • slackening
  • relaxation

verb become or cause to become soft or liquid


  • dethaw
  • unfreeze
  • unthaw
  • melt
  • dissolve

Related Words

  • deliquesce
  • defrost
  • deice
  • de-ice
  • flux
  • liquify
  • liquefy




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