Acronym | Definition |
THB➣Thai Baht (Thailand currency) |
THB➣Thailand Baht (Currency Unit, ISO) |
THB➣Trafficking in Human Beings (EU) |
THB➣The Herald Bulletin (newspaper; Indiana) |
THB➣Tres Horny Boys (The Adventure Zone) |
THB➣Total Heterothropic Bacteria |
THB➣The Holy Bible |
THB➣Thigh High Boots |
THB➣Total Hemoglobin |
THB➣Temperature Humidity Bias |
THB➣This House Believes (debating) |
THB➣Traditional Housing Bureau |
THB➣The Honey Brothers (band) |
THB➣Too Hard Basket |
THB➣Theologiae Baccalaureus (Latin: Bachelor of Theology) |
THB➣Tanzanian Housing Bank |
THB➣Tech Hockey Blog |
THB➣Thrombocyte B |
THB➣Toronto, Hamilton, and Buffalo Railway Company |
THB➣Trojan Horse Band (band) |
THB➣TheHilariousBros Productions (YouTube) |