

单词 the


the 1

T0146800 (thē before a vowel; thə before a consonant)def.art.1. a. Used before singular or plural nouns and noun phrases that denote particular, specified persons or things: the baby; the dress I wore.b. Used before a noun, and generally stressed, to emphasize one of a group or type as the most outstanding or prominent: considered Wicker Park to be the neighborhood to live in these days.c. Used to indicate uniqueness: the Prince of Wales; the moon.d. Used before nouns that designate natural phenomena or points of the compass: the weather; a wind from the south.e. Used as the equivalent of a possessive adjective before names of some parts of the body: grab him by the neck; an infection of the hand.f. Used before a noun specifying a field of endeavor: the law; the film industry; the stage.g. Used before a proper name, as of a monument or ship: the Alamo; the Titanic.h. Used before the plural form of a numeral denoting a specific decade of a century or of a lifespan: rural life in the Thirties.2. Used before a singular noun indicating that the noun is generic: The loggerhead turtle is an endangered species.3. a. Used before an adjective extending it to signify a class and giving it the function of a noun: the rich; the dead; the homeless.b. Used before an absolute adjective: the best we can offer.4. Used before a present participle, signifying the action in the abstract: the weaving of rugs.5. Used before a noun with the force of per: cherries at $1.50 the box.
[Middle English, from Old English, alteration (influenced by th-, oblique case stem of demonstrative pron.) of se, masculine demonstrative pron.; see so- in Indo-European roots.]

the 2

T0146800 (thē before a vowel; thə before a consonant)adv.1. To that extent; by that much. Used before a comparative: the sooner the better.2. Beyond any other: enjoyed reading the most.
[Middle English, from Old English thȳ, thē, instrumental of thæt, neuter demonstrative pron.; see to- in Indo-European roots.]


(stressed or emphatic ðiː; unstressed before a consonant ðə; unstressed before a vowel ðɪ) determiner (article) 1. used preceding a noun that has been previously specified: the pain should disappear soon; the man then opened the door. Compare a12. used with a qualifying word or phrase to indicate a particular person, object, etc, as distinct from others: ask the man standing outside; give me the blue one. Compare a13. used preceding certain nouns associated with one's culture, society, or community: to go to the doctor; listen to the news; watch the television. 4. used preceding present participles and adjectives when they function as nouns: the singing is awful; the dead salute you. 5. used preceding titles and certain uniquely specific or proper nouns, such as place names: the United States; the Honourable Edward Brown; the Chairman; the moon. 6. used preceding a qualifying adjective or noun in certain names or titles: William the Conqueror; Edward the First. 7. used preceding a noun to make it refer to its class generically: the white seal is hunted for its fur; this is good for the throat; to play the piano. 8. used instead of my, your, her, etc, with parts of the body: take me by the hand. 9. (usually stressed) the best, only, or most remarkable: Harry's is the club in this town. 10. used with proper nouns when qualified: written by the young Hardy. 11. another word for per, esp with nouns or noun phrases of cost: fifty pence the pound. 12. often facetious or derogatory my; our: the wife goes out on Thursdays. 13. used preceding a unit of time in phrases or titles indicating an outstanding person, event, etc: match of the day; player of the year. [Middle English, from Old English thē, a demonstrative adjective that later superseded (masculine singular) and sēo, sio (feminine singular); related to Old Frisian thi, thiu, Old High German der, diu]


(ðə; ðɪ) adv1. (often foll by for) used before comparative adjectives or adverbs for emphasis: she looks the happier for her trip. 2. used correlatively before each of two comparative adjectives or adverbs to indicate equality: the sooner you come, the better; the more I see you, the more I love you. [Old English thī, thӯ, instrumental case of the1 and that; related to Old Norse thī, Gothic thei]


(stressed ði; unstressed before a consonant ðə, unstressed before a vowel ði)
definite article. 1. (used, esp. before a noun, with a specifying or particularizing effect, as opposed to the indefinite or generalizing force of the indefinite article a or an): the book you gave me. 2. (used to mark a noun as indicating something well-known or unique): the Alps. 3. (used with or as part of a title): the Duke of Wellington. 4. (used to mark a noun as indicating the best-known, most approved, most important, etc.): the place to ski. 5. (used to mark a noun as being used generically): The dog is a quadruped. 6. (used in place of a possessive pronoun, to note a part of the body or a personal belonging): He was shot in the arm. 7. (used before adjectives that are used substantively, to note an individual, a class or number of individuals, or an abstract idea): to visit the sick; from the sublime to the ridiculous. 8. (used to indicate one particular decade of a lifetime or of a century): the sixties. 9. enough: She didn't have the courage to leave. 10. (used distributively, to note any one separately); a or an: at one dollar the pound. [before 900; Middle English, late Old English, replacing sē nominative singular masculine article. compare that]


(before a consonanttə; before a voweltē),
adv. 1. (used to modify an adjective or adverb in the comparative degree and to signify “in or by that,” “on that account,” “in or by so much,” or “in some or any degree”): He's been on vacation and looks the better for it. 2. (used in correlative constructions to modify an adjective or adverb in the comparative degree, in one instance with relative force and in the other with demonstrative force, and signifying “by how much … by so much” or “in what degree … in that degree”): the more the merrier. [before 900; Middle English; Old English thē, thȳ, instrumental case of demonstrative pronoun. compare that, lest]

Eight-Fold Path, The

the method of spiritual attainment outlined in Buddha’ s sermons on the Four Noble Truths: pain, the cause of pain, the cessation of pain, and the path that leads to this cessation, emphasizing, in the last, right view, thought, speech, action, livelihood, efïort, mindfulness, and concentration.See also: Buddhism


1. basic uses

The is called the definite article. You use the at the beginning of a noun phrase to refer to someone or something that has already been mentioned or that is already known to the hearer or reader.

A man and a woman were walking on the beach. The man wore shorts, a T-shirt, and sandals. The woman wore a bright dress.

You can add a prepositional phrase or a relative clause when you need to show which person or thing you are talking about.

I've no idea about the geography of Scotland.That is a different man to the man that I knew.

You use the with a singular noun to refer to something of which there is only one.

They all sat in the sun.The sky was a brilliant blue.
2. types of thing or person

You can use the with the singular form of a countable noun when you want to make a general statement about all things of a particular type.

The computer allows us to deal with a lot of data very quickly.My father's favourite flower is the rose.

Be Careful!
You can make a similar statement using a plural form. If you do this, don't use 'the'.

It is then that computers will have their most important social effects.Roses need to be watered frequently.

Don't use 'the' with an uncountable noun when it is used with a general meaning. For example, if you are talking about pollution in general, you say 'Pollution is a serious problem'. Don't say 'The pollution is a serious problem'.

We continue to fight crime.People are afraid to talk about disease and death.

You can use the with words such as rich, poor, young, old, or unemployed to refer to all people of a particular type.

Only the rich could afford his firm's products.They were discussing the problem of the unemployed.

Be Careful!
When you use one of these words like this, don't add '-s' or '-es' to it. Don't say, for example, 'the problem of the unemployeds'.

3. nationalities

You can use the with some nationality adjectives to refer to the people who live in a particular country, or to a group of people who come from that country.

They depend on the support of the French.
4. systems and services

You use the with a singular countable noun to refer to a system or service.

I don't like using the phone.How long does it take on the train?
5. institutions

You don't usually use 'the' between a preposition and a word like church, college, home, hospital, prison, school, or university.

Will we see you in church tomorrow?I was at school with her.See church, college, home, hospital, prison, school - university
6. meals

You don't usually use 'the' in front of the names of meals.

I open the mail immediately after breakfast.I haven't had dinner yet.
7. used instead of a possessive

You sometimes use the instead of a possessive determiner, particularly when you are talking about something being done to a part of a person's body.

She touched him on the hand.He took her by the arm and began pulling her away.
8. used with superlatives and comparatives

You usually use the in front of superlative adjectives.

We saw the smallest church in England.

You don't usually use 'the' in front of superlative adverbs.

They use the language they know best.

You don't usually use 'the' in front of comparative adjectives or adverbs.

The model will probably be smallerI wish we could get it done quicker

However, there are a few exceptions to this.



(ðə) , (ði) adjective (The form (ðə) is used before words beginning with a consonant eg the house (ðəhaus) or consonant sound eg the union (ðəˈjuːnjən) ; the form (ði) is used before words beginning with a vowel eg the apple (ði ˈapl) or vowel sound eg the honour (ði ˈonə) ). 用於指已知的事物 用于指已知的事物1. used to refer to a person, thing etc mentioned previously, described in a following phrase, or already known. Where is the book I put on the table?; Who was the man you were talking to?; My mug is the tall blue one; Switch the light off! 表示指定的定冠詞 指说话人与听者已知的人(物) 2. used with a singular noun or an adjective to refer to all members of a group etc or to a general type of object, group of objects etc. The horse is running fast.; I spoke to him on the telephone; He plays the piano/violin very well. 統指類別或總稱 统指类别或总称3. used to refer to unique objects etc, especially in titles and names. the Duke of Edinburgh; the Atlantic (Ocean). 指獨一無二的事物 指独一无二的事物4. used after a preposition with words referring to a unit of quantity, time etc. In this job we are paid by the hour. 在介詞後面與表示計量單位、時間等連用 在介词后面与表示计量单位、时间等连用5. used with superlative adjectives and adverbs to denote a person, thing etc which is or shows more of something than any other. He is the kindest man I know; We like him (the) best of all. 用於形容詞、副詞最高級之前 用于形容词、副词最高级之前 6. (often with all) used with comparative adjectives to show that a person, thing etc is better, worse etc. He has had a week's holiday and looks (all) the better for it. 用於形容詞比較級之前(並常與all連用,表示人或事的更好/更壞) 用于形容词比较级之前,并常与all连用,表示人或事的更好或更坏 the … the … (with comparative adjective or adverb) used to show the connection or relationship between two actions, states, processes etc. The harder you work, the more you earn. 和形容詞或副詞比較級連用(表示連接兩個動作、狀態等) 和形容词或副词比较级连用(表示连接两个动作、状态等)


→ 雪下得很大
  • Is the traffic heavy on the freeway? (US)
    Is the traffic heavy on the motorway? (UK) → 高速公路上车流量很大吗?
  • Is the palace open to the public? → 皇宫对游客开放吗?
  • Is the museum open in the morning? → 博物馆上午开门吗?
  • Keep the change → 不用找钱了
  • I'm on the pill → 我服用口服避孕药
  • I'm not on the pill → 我不服用口服避孕药
  • In the morning → 上午
  • In the afternoon → 下午
  • In the evening → 晚上
  • During the summer → 夏季内
  • I'll have the same → 我也要一杯
  • the

    • "I see," said the blind man
    • (a little/bit) rough around the edge
    • (a little/bit) rough around the edges
    • (a)round the bend
    • (a)round the clock
    • (a)round the corner
    • (all) great minds run in the same channel
    • (all) in the family
    • (all) the better for (something)
    • (all) the better to (do something)
    • (all) the world over
    • (as) ancient as the hills
    • (as) black as the ace of spades
    • (as) black as the devil
    • (as) black as the minister's coat
    • (as) cocky as the king of spades
    • (as) dead as a dodo
    • (as) happy as a clam in butter sauce
    • (as) happy as Larry
    • (as) happy as the day is long
    • (as) hard as the nether millstone
    • (as) high as the sky
    • (as) honest as the day is long
    • (as) hot as the devil
    • (as) hot as the dickens
    • (as) old as the hills
    • (as) plain as the nose on (one's) face
    • (as) quiet as a mouse
    • (as) quiet as the grave
    • (as) silent as the dead
    • (as) silent as the grave
    • (as) swift as the wind
    • (both) feet on the ground
    • (but) not in the biblical sense
    • (deep) in the weeds
    • (deep) into the weeds
    • (do something) or get off the pot
    • (draw the sword and) throw away the scabbard
    • (even) the best of friends must part
    • (go) tell it/that to the marines
    • (Has the) cat got your tongue?
    • (I) don't believe I've had the pleasure
    • (if the) truth be known
    • (if the) truth be told
    • (I'll) see you in the funnies
    • (I'll) see you in the funny pages
    • (I'll) see you in the funny papers
    • (in) the devil
    • (it's) Sydney or the bush
    • (it's/that's the) story of my life
    • (I've) been under the weather
    • (just) for the devil of it
    • (just) for the fun of it
    • (just) for the heck of it
    • (let the) buyer beware
    • (lone) voice in the wilderness
    • (not) half the person/man/woman (one) used to be
    • (not) the be-all and end-all
    • (one) has to draw a/the line somewhere
    • (one) puts (one's) pants on one leg at a time
    • (one's) autumn years
    • (one's) butt is on the line
    • (one's) finger on the pulse
    • (one's) for the asking
    • (one's) good deed for the day
    • (one's) good deed of the day
    • (one's) heart is in the right place
    • (one's) moment in the sun
    • (one's) nose is (always) in the air
    • (one's) old stamping ground
    • (one's) way out of a paper bag
    • (one's)/the best bet
    • (one's)/the main squeeze
    • (open) confession is good for the soul
    • (out) on the town
    • (right) from the off
    • (right) on the money
    • (some score) from the East German judge
    • (someone or something) from hell
    • (something) is the new (something)
    • (special) snowflake
    • (straight) from the horse's mouth
    • (that's) the nature of the beast
    • (the good) Lord willing and the creek don't rise
    • (the) baby needs (new) shoes
    • (the) best of (an odd number)
    • (the) big bucks
    • (the) clock is ticking
    • (the) Dunkirk spirit
    • (the) elephant in the corner
    • (the) elephant in the room
    • (the) fact is
    • (the) good is the enemy of (the) best
    • (the) good is the enemy of (the) great
    • (the) last (one) heard
    • (the) man of the moment
    • (the) man/woman of the hour
    • (the) next thing (one) knows
    • (the) odd man out
    • (the) odd one out
    • (the) odds are (that)
    • (the) odds are against (something)
    • (the) right of way
    • (the) same again
    • (the) smart money is on (someone or something)
    • (the) survival of the fittest
    • (the) top of the line
    • (the) woman of the moment
    • (there's) no peace for the weary
    • (there's) no peace/rest for the wicked
    • (there's) no rest for the weary
    • (you) do the math
    • (you've) got to get up pretty early in the morning to (do something)
    • 18-wheeler
    • 3-on-the-tree
    • 4-on-the-floor
    • a (sudden) rush of blood (to the head)
    • a 10
    • a babe in the woods
    • a bad apple spoils the (whole) barrel
    • a bad rap
    • a bad taste in (one's)/the mouth
    • a bad taste in the mouth
    • a banana hammock
    • a bang in the arm
    • a bean head
    • a bear in the air
    • a beggar on horseback
    • a big fish
    • a big fish in a small pond
    • a big send-off
    • a big shot
    • a bird in the hand
    • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    • a bit of the action
    • a bit on the side
    • a bite at the cherry
    • a bite at/of the cherry
    • a bite of the cherry
    • a blast from the past
    • a blight on the land
    • a blot on the escutcheon
    • a blot on the landscape
    • a blot on your escutcheon
    • a blow-by-blow account
    • a blue funk
    • a bolt from the blue
    • a box on the ear
    • a brass hat
    • a bread-and-butter letter
    • a bright idea
    • a broken reed
    • a budding genius
    • a bum steer
    • a bunch of fives
    • a bundle of nerves
    • A burnt child dreads the fire
    • a busman's holiday
    • a camel's nose (under the tent)
    • a can of corn
    • a candidate for a pair of wings
    • a capful of wind
    • a case of (something)
    • a case of mistaken identity
    • a case of the blind leading the blind
    • a cat on a hot tin roof
    • a change of scene
    • a cheap skate
    • a chicken in every pot
    • a chill pill
    • a chip off the old block
    • a cigarette with no name
    • a closed door
    • a cloud on the horizon
    • a cog in the machine
    • a cog in the machine/wheel
    • a cog in the wheel
    • a coign of vantage
    • a cold shower
    • a confidence game
    • a counsel of despair
    • a counsel of perfection
    • a country mile
    • a crash course
    • a cricket on the hearth
    • a cry from the heart
    • a crying need
    • a crystal set
    • a cut above
    • a cut above the rest
    • a dance card
    • a dead cat on the line
    • a deer in (the) headlights
    • a deer in the headlights
    • a devil of a job
    • a devil of a time
    • a dialogue of the deaf
    • a difference of opinion
    • a disaster of epic proportions
    • a dog in the manger
    • a doozy
    • a drop in the bucket
    • a drop in the ocean
    • a drug on the market
    • a dwarf standing on the shoulders of giants
    • a fair crack of the whip
    • a fast one
    • a feast for the eyes
    • a field day
    • a fight to the finish
    • a fine-tooth comb
    • a fire extinguisher
    • a fish story
    • a fish tale
    • a flash in the pan
    • a fleeting glance
    • a flimflam artist
    • a flutter in the dovecote
    • a fly in amber
    • a fly in the ointment
    • a fly on the wall
    • a fly on the wheel
    • a foot in the door
    • a free lunch
    • a frosty one
    • a ghost at the feast
    • a gift horse
    • a girl thing
    • a golden opportunity
    • a good five-cent cigar
    • a good trip
    • a goose egg
    • a grand old age
    • a hair in the butter
    • a hair of the dog
    • a hard bargain
    • a hard head
    • a hissy
    • a hissy fit
    • a hive of activity
    • a holy stink
    • a hunch
    • a Jack the Lad
    • a kick at the can
    • a kick at the cat
    • a kick in the balls
    • a kick in the butt
    • a kick in the face
    • a kick in the head
    • a kick in the pants
    • a kick in the shins
    • a kick in the teeth
    • a kick up the backside
    • a knife in the back
    • a lamb/lambs to the slaughter
    • a leap in the dark
    • a leg in the door
    • a lick with the rough side of the tongue
    • a line in the sand
    • a link in the chain
    • a lion in the way
    • a lot, not much, etc. in the way of something
    • a lump in the throat
    • a man is known by the company he keeps
    • a man of God/the cloth
    • a man of the people
    • a man of the world
    • a man/woman of the people
    • a man/woman of the world
    • a mill cannot grind with water that is past
    • a monkey on (one's) back
    • a mover and a shaker
    • a nail in the coffin
    • a new kid on the block
    • a night on the tiles
    • a numbers game
    • a one-way ticket to (somewhere or something)
    • a pain in the neck
    • a parting of the ways
    • a pat on the back
    • a picture of
    • a piece of the action
    • a piece of the pie
    • a piece/slice of the action
    • a pillar of society
    • a place in the sun
    • a race against time/the clock
    • a rare bird
    • a reed before the wind lives on(, while mighty oaks do fall)
    • a rift in the lute
    • a roll in the hay
    • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) barrel
    • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bunch
    • a rotten apple spoils the (whole) bushel
    • a rough diamond
    • a royal pain
    • a rush of blood
    • a sacred cow
    • a second bite at the cherry
    • a share/slice of the cake
    • a shot across the bows
    • a shot in the arm
    • a shot in the dark
    • a shot in the locker
    • a shot/stab in the dark
    • a sign of the times
    • a skeleton in the closet
    • a skeleton in the cupboard
    • a skeleton in the cupboard/closet
    • a slap in the face
    • a slap on the wrist
    • a slice of the cake
    • a slip of the pen
    • a slip of the tongue
    • a slip of the tongue/pen
    • a smack in the face
    • a snack
    • a snake in the grass
    • a spanner in the works
    • a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down
    • a stab in the back
    • a stab in the dark
    • a standstill
    • a steady hand on the tiller
    • a steal
    • a step in the right direction
    • a stick-in-the-mud
    • a sting in the tail
    • a stitch
    • a stone cold fox
    • a straw in the wind
    • a tale never loses in the telling
    • a thing of the past
    • a thorn in your side
    • a tiger by the tail
    • a tip of the hat
    • a toe in the door
    • a touch of the sun
    • a trip to the woodshed
    • a turn of the screw
    • a turn-up for the book
    • a turn-up for the book(s)
    • a turn-up for the books
    • a variation on the theme of (something)
    • a voice crying in the wilderness
    • a voice in the wilderness
    • a waiting game
    • a walk in the park
    • a warning shot across the bows
    • a weak link
    • a whole team and the dog under the wagon
    • a wind of change
    • a wind/the winds of change
    • a window on the world
    • a woman's place is in the home
    • a word to the wise
    • a word to the wise is enough
    • a word to the wise is sufficient
    • a/(one's) place in the sun
    • a/one side of the picture
    • a/one side of the story
    • a/one side of the story/picture
    • a/the black sheep
    • a/the bright spot
    • a/the devil of a job, nuisance, fellow, etc.
    • a/the devil's advocate
    • a/the feel of (something)
    • a/the fly in the ointment
    • a/the grand old age
    • a/the grand old man
    • a/the happy event
    • a/the happy medium
    • a/the honeymoon period
    • a/the land of milk and honey
    • a/the liar is not believed when he tells the truth
    • a/the magic touch
    • a/the man about town
    • a/the monkey on somebody's back
    • a/the new kid on the block
    • a/the numbers game
    • a/the parting of the ways
    • a/the peace dividend
    • a/the pecking order
    • a/the prodigal son
    • a/the race to the bottom
    • a/the smoking gun
    • a/the softly-softly approach
    • a/the son of a gun
    • a/the sword of Damocles
    • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one)
    • a/the sword of Damocles hangs over (one's) head
    • a/the tipping point
    • a/the turn of events
    • a/the world of difference
    • a/the/somebody's way of life
    • abandominium
    • abbreviated piece of nothing
    • abe
    • about the size of it
    • above and beyond
    • above and beyond the call of duty
    • above suspicion
    • above the curve
    • above the fray
    • above the law
    • above the salt
    • Absence makes the heart grow fonder
    • absent-minded professor
    • ace in the hole
    • achieve the impossible
    • Achilles' heel
    • acid test
    • acid test, the
    • acknowledge (the) receipt of (something)
    • acknowledge the corn
    • across the board
    • across the pond
    • across the way
    • act the fool
    • act the goat
    • act the maggot
    • act/play the fool
    • act/play the goat
    • active shooter
    • Adam Henry
    • add fuel to the fire
    • add fuel to the fire/flames
    • add fuel to the fire/flames, to
    • add fuel to the flame(s)
    • add fuel to the flames
    • add on
    • addy
    • adobe dollar
    • advance the ball
    • African golf ball
    • African grape
    • After a storm comes a calm
    • after the dust has settled
    • after the dust settles
    • after the fact
    • after the fashion of
    • after the fashion of (someone or something)
    • after the fashion of somebody/something
    • after the Lord Mayor's show
    • after the party is over
    • after the style of
    • after/when the dust settles
    • against all the odds
    • against the clock
    • against the collar
    • against the current
    • against the grain
    • against the grain, to go
    • against the law
    • against the odds
    • against the run of play
    • against the stream
    • aggie
    • ahead of the curve
    • ahead of the game
    • ahead of the pack
    • ahead of/behind the curve
    • a-hole
    • aim for the sky
    • aim for the stars
    • Aim for the stars!
    • ain't got the brains God gave a squirrel
    • ain't got the sense God gave geese
    • ain't it the truth
    • Ain't it the truth?
    • air bags
    • air biscuit
    • air guitar
    • air hose
    • air kiss
    • airball
    • alert the public
    • all (the) one
    • all along the line
    • all along/down the line
    • all cats are gray in the dark
    • all cats are grey in the dark
    • all corners of the earth
    • all corners of the world
    • all for
    • all for the best
    • all hands and the cook
    • all hands to the pumps
    • all hours
    • all hours (of the day and night)
    • all in a day's work
    • all in the Kool-Aid and don't know the flavor


    THETexas Hold 'em (poker)
    THETexas Higher Education Network (est. 1986; Austin, TX; also seen as THEN)
    THEThe Human Element
    THETechnological Horizons in Education
    THEThe Humane Environment (Jef Raskin)
    THETimes Higher Education (magazine)
    THETotal Home Entertainment (various locations)
    THETheme File
    THETechnology & Home Economics (school subject)
    THETechnische Hogeschool Eindhoven
    THETeresina, Piaui, Brazil - Teresina (Airport Code)
    THETennessee Hospitality Education (Council)
    THEToronto Health Economics (Network)
    THETransportable Helicopter Enclosure
    THETheca® HTTP Engine (Apptus Technologies AB)




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