释义 |
attapulgite[‚ad·ə′pəl‚jīt] (mineralogy) (Mg,Al)2Si4O10(OH)·4H2O A clay mineral with a needlelike shape from Georgia and Florida; active ingredient in most fuller's earth, and used as a suspending agent, as an oil well drilling fluid, and as a thickener in latex paint. attapulgite
attapulgite [at″ah-pul´jīt] a clay mineral that contains aluminum silicate and is the main ingredient of fuller's earth; activated attapulgite is a heat-treated form that is administered orally in the treatment of diarrhea.attapulgite (at-a-pull-gite) attapulgite, Children's Kaopectate (trade name), Fowler’s Anti-Diarrhea Tablets (trade name), Fowler's attapulgite oral suspension (trade name), Kaopectate (trade name), Kaopectate Extra Strength (trade name) Classification Therapeutic: antidiarrheals Pharmacologic: adsorbents Pregnancy Category: B
IndicationsAdjunct in the symptomatic management of mild to moderate acute diarrhea.ActionAppears to act by adsorbing bacteria and toxins and decreasing loss of water.Therapeutic effectsDecreased number and water content of stools.PharmacokineticsAbsorption: Action is local. Attapulgite is not absorbed.Distribution: Unknown.Metabolism and Excretion: Unknown.Half-life: Unknown.Time/action profile (antidiarrheal effect)ROUTE | ONSET | PEAK | DURATION | PO | unknown | unknown | unknown |
Contraindications/PrecautionsContraindicated in: Hypersensitivity; Severe dehydration; Diarrhea that may be caused by parasites; Dysentery.Use Cautiously in: Pediatric / Geriatric: Children <3 yr or geriatric patients have increased risk of dehydration.Adverse Reactions/Side EffectsGastrointestinalInteractionsDrug-Drug interactionMay decrease the gastrointestinal absorption of concurrently administered oral medications (administer 2–3 hr before or 2–4 hr after attapulgite).Route/DosageOral (Adults) 1.2–3 g after each loose stool (not to exceed 9 g/24 hr).Oral (Children 6–12 yr) 600–1500 mg after each loose stool (not to exceed 4.5 g/24 hr).Oral (Children 3–6 yr) 300–750 mg after each loose stool (not to exceed 2.25 g/24 hr).AvailabilityOral suspension: 600 mg/15 mLOTC, 750 mg/5 mLOTC, 900 mg/15 mLOTC Tablets: 630 mgOTCNursing implicationsNursing assessment- Assess the frequency and consistency of stools and bowel sounds before and throughout course of therapy.
- Assess fluid and electrolyte balance and skin turgor for dehydration.
Potential Nursing DiagnosesDiarrhea (Indications) Constipation (Side Effects) Deficient knowledge, related to medication regimen (Patient/Family Teaching)
Implementation- Administer after each loose bowel movement until diarrhea is controlled.
- Do not administer other medications within 2–3 hr before or after attapulgite administration.
- Oral: Shake suspension well before administration.
Patient/Family Teaching- Instruct patient to notify health care professional if diarrhea persists longer than 48 hr or if fever or abdominal pain develops.
- Advise patient or parent not to use attapulgite and to notify health care professional if stool contains blood or mucus or is accompanied by fever.
Evaluation/Desired Outcomes- Decrease in frequency of loose stools.
- Return to soft, formed stools.