pentagastrin test

pen·ta·gas·trin test

an alternative to histamine for stimulation of acid secretion in gastric analysis.

pentagastrin test

GI disease A test in which gastric acid secretion–GAS is stimulated with pentagastrin, a synthetic analogue of gastrin; GAS ↑ 10 mins post-injection, peaks at 20-30 mins, and lasts for < 2 hrs; the peaks in GAS are similar to those evoked by histamine–once used for the same purpose, with fewer adverse effects; PT is used to exclude achlorhydria in Pts with gastric ulcers

pentagastrin test

A test of the acid production by the stomach. An injection of a synthetic pentapeptide substance, pentagastrin is given, and an hour later the fasting stomach contents are withdrawn through a nasogastric tube.