Russell Auction

Russell (C. M.) Auction

Third weekend in MarchThe C. M. Russell Auction features an art auction, a celebration of western artist Charles M. Russell, and a western-style good time in Great Falls, Mont., where Charley Russell had his home and studio. The affair began in 1969 to raise money for the C. M. Russell (as he signed his paintings) Museum, which was then just getting started. Events include seminars, dance demonstrations by the Blackfeet Indians, an exhibit of paintings and sculpture of western artists and an auction of their works, and a Quick Draw, in which artists have 30 minutes to draw any subject they want. Their quick draws are then auctioned. There is also a chuckwagon brunch and a Charley Russell Birthday Party (he was born March 19, 1864, and died in 1926).
Charley Russell, a cowboy artist who was also the author of a collection of stories and sketches, Trails Plowed Under, depicted the early days of cowpunchers and Indians in Montana and Wyoming. In an introduction to Trails Plowed Under, Will Rogers wrote that there will never be "the Real Cowboy, Painter and Man, combined that old Charley was." Charley Russell wrote about himself: "I am an illustrator. There are lots better ones, but some worse." His paintings now are coveted by collectors and worth millions.
C. M. Russell Museum
400 13th St. N.
Great Falls, MT 59401
406-727-8787; fax: 406-727-2402