Russell-Brasstown Scenic Byway

Russell-Brasstown Scenic Byway

Parks Directory of the United States / National Scenic BywaysAddress:c/o Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests
1755 Cleveland Hwy
Gainesville, GA 30501

Web: Description:Encircledby the scenic beauty of the Chattahoochee National Forest, bywayruns through the fertile valleys and mountain gaps of the southernAppalachians. Scenic areas along the route include Unicoi and Vogelstate parks, Anna Ruby Falls Scenic Area, High Shoals Creek FallsScenic Area, Raven Cliff Falls & Wilderness Area, Dukes CreekFalls, Smithgall-Woods Dukes Creek Conservation Area, and Tray Mountain Wilderness.
Legth: 41 miles. Start/Endpoint: Byway runs from Robertstown north along SR 17/75, thensouthwest along SR 180, southeast along SR 348, completing the loop atSR 75 Alternate. Time to Allow: 3 hours. Designation/Year: National Scenic Byway (2000).

See other parks in Georgia.