Russell syndrome

Rus·sell syn·drome

(rŭs'ĕl), failure of infants and young children to thrive due to suprasellar lesions, commonly astrocytomas of the anterior third ventricle; although the growth hormone may be elevated, the child is emaciated and has lost body fat.
See also: pseudohydrocephaly.

Rus·sell syn·drome

(rŭs'ĕl sin'drōm) Failure of infants and young children to thrive due to suprasellar lesions, commonly astrocytomas of the anterior third ventricle; although the growth hormone may be elevated, the child is emaciated and has loss of body fat.


Alexander, 20th century English pediatrician. Russell syndrome - failure of infants and young children to thrive due to suprasellar lesions, commonly astrocytomas of the anterior third ventricle.Russell-Silver dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell dwarfism - Synonym(s): Silver-Russell syndromeSilver-Russell syndrome - see under Silver