Russian Anthropological Society

Russian Anthropological Society


a scientific society at the University of St. Petersburg, founded in 1888; its first chairman was Professor A. A. Inostrantsev. The society’s aims were to study the races of man, particularly those among the population of Russia, to conduct ethnographic and archaeological research, to assemble collections, and to disseminate anthropological knowledge. The society’s publications included Protokoly (Protocols; eight issues between 1888 and 1897 and two issues between 1901 and 1912) and Ezhegodniki (Yearbooks; six volumes in the period 1905–16). In the early 1920’s, the society merged with the Medical-Anthropological Society of the Military Medical Academy.


Zalkind, N. G. Moskovskaia shkola antropologov v razvitii otechestvennoi nauki o cheloveke. Moscow, 1974.