Acronym | Definition |
PEO➣Professional Employer Organization |
PEO➣Philanthropic and Educational Organization for Women (PEO International) |
PEO➣Polyethylene Oxide |
PEO➣Professional Engineers Ontario |
PEO➣Progressive External Ophthalmoplegia (genes) |
PEO➣Parliamentary Education Office (Australia) |
PEO➣Public Education and Outreach (various organizations) |
PEO➣Postsecondary Education Opportunity (research newsletter) |
PEO➣Program Executive Office |
PEO➣Product Engineering Optimizer |
PEO➣Performing Engineering Operations (UK) |
PEO➣Prevention, Education and Outreach (healthcare) |
PEO➣Pan-Cyprian Labor Federation (Cyprus) |
PEO➣Publish Everything Online |
PEO➣Professional Engineers of Oregon |
PEO➣Pacific Economic Outlook |
PEO➣Protect Each Other |
PEO➣Pigs Eat Onions |
PEO➣Promoting Educational Opportunities |
PEO➣Pay Equity Office (Canada) |
PEO➣Peace Enforcement Operation (includes peace keeping operations) |
PEO➣Polar Earth Orbit |
PEO➣Planning Engineers Organisation |
PEO➣Plant Equipment Operator |
PEO➣Physical Education Officer (UK) |
PEO➣Program Executive Office/Officer |
PEO➣Primer Estado Oculto (Spanish: Hidden First State; cryptographic protocol) |
PEO➣Project Executive Office/Officer |
PEO➣Plant Emergency Organization |
PEO➣Program Enrichment Office |
PEO➣Personnel Executive Officer |
PEO➣Pentagon Engineering Office/Officer |
PEO➣Product Engineering Office/Officer |
PEO➣Program Evaluation Office/Officer |
PEO➣Product Engineering Organization |
PEO➣Pre-Existing Ordering |