Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein


 [mu″ko-pro´tēn] a compound present in all connective and supporting tissues, containing, as prosthetic groups (non–amino acid components), mucopolysaccharides; soluble in water and relatively resistant to denaturation.Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein a substance produced by cells of the ascending limb of the loop of Henle; it is a normal constituent of urine and is the major protein constituent of urinary casts.

Tamm-Hors·fall mu·co·pro·tein

(tam hōrs'fahl), the matrix of urinary casts derived from the secretion of renal tubular cells. Synonym(s): Tamm-Horsfall protein, urinary slime, uromucoid

Tamm-Hors·fall mu·co·pro·tein

(tam hōrs'fahl myū'kō-prō'tēn) The matrix of urinary casts derived from the secretion of renal tubular cells.


Frank L., Jr., U.S. physician, 1906-1971. Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein - see under TammTamm-Horsfall protein


Igor, U.S. virologist, 1922-1971. Tamm-Horsfall mucoprotein - the matrix of urinary casts derived from the secretion of renal tubular cells.Tamm-Horsfall protein