set (one's) teeth on edge

set (one's) teeth on edge

1. To greatly irritate or annoy one, especially to the point of affecting one's nerves. Nothing sets my teeth on edge like seeing these cyclists run every red light in town! I don't know what it is about Terry, but there's something about his demeanor that just sets my teeth on edge.2. To cause one to be upset, nervous, or uncomfortable. Please don't tell me about your surgery, it sets my teeth on edge hearing about medical procedures.See also: edge, on, set, teeth

set someone's teeth on edge

 1. Fig. [for a scraping sound] to irritate someone's nerves. That noise sets my teeth on edge! Tom's teeth were set on edge by the incessant screaming of the children. 2. Fig. [for a person or an idea] to upset someone very much. Her overbearing manner usually sets my teeth on edge. The very thought of doing that set her teeth on edge.See also: edge, on, set, teeth

set one's teeth on edge

Irritate, annoy, make one cringe, as in That raucous laugh sets my teeth on edge. This expression alludes to the shuddering feeling evoked by a grating noise or similar irritation. It appears in several books of the Bible and was also used by Shakespeare. [c. 1600] See also: edge, on, set, teeth

set your teeth on edge

If something sets your teeth on edge, you find it extremely annoying or unpleasant. His casual arrogance never failed to set my teeth on edge. He stood and took down the painting. Something about it had lately been setting his teeth on edge.See also: edge, on, set, teeth

set someone's teeth on edge

cause someone to feel intense discomfort or irritation. This is an expression used in the Bible to describe the unpleasant sensation caused by eating something bitter or sour: ‘every man that eateth the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge’ (Jeremiah 31:30). 1997 Kate O'Riordan The Boy in the Moon Julia's voice sustained a quavery note that set Brian's teeth on edge. See also: edge, on, set, teeth

set somebody’s ˈteeth on edge

1 (of a sound) make somebody feel physically uncomfortable: That noise is really setting my teeth on edge! Can you stop?
2 annoy somebody; make somebody feel tense: It sets my teeth on edge when I hear him talk to his mother so rudely.See also: edge, on, set, teeth