释义 |
American Dental Hygienists Association A·mer·i·can Den·tal Hy·gien·ists As·so·ci·a·tion (ADHA) (ă-meri-kăn dentăl hī-jēnists ă-sōsē-āshŭn) Professional organization in the United States; its mission is to promote the public's oral health and to advance the practice and techniques of dental hygiene. A·mer·i·can Den·tal Hy·gien·ists As·so·ci·a·tion (ADHA) (ă-meri-kăn dentăl hī-jēnists ă-sōsē-āshŭn) Professional organization in the United States; its mission is to promote the public's oral health and to advance the practice and techniques of dental hygiene. |