SOAR Telescope

SOAR Telescope

Southern Astrophysical Research Telescope, a 4.2-meter reflecting telescope located on the summit of Cerro Pachón, Chile, at an altitude of 2737 meters. It is one of the instruments of the Cerro Tololo Inter–American Observatory and is administered jointly by the USA and Chile. Construction of the SOAR Telescope began in 1998. The instrument was dedicated Apr. 2004 and came into operation early 2005. Its aspherical primary mirror has a total diameter of 4.3 meters but is just 10 centimeters thick and weighs only 3.2 tonnes. It is equipped with active optics and its design gives it enhanced capabilities and performance in imaging and spectroscopy throughout the range of wavelengths from the near infrared to the blue/ultraviolet part of the spectrum. An Instrumental Support Box at each Nasmyth focus can carry a cluster of three instruments with a total weight of up to 3000 kg.