so be it

so be it

I accept that this is what will happen or be the case. If you really want to throw your career away because of some idealistic principle, so be it. I was hoping you'd honor the lower price you promised, but if I have to pay more, then so be it.

So be it.

This is the way it will be. If you insist on running off and marrying her, so be it. Only don't say I didn't warn you! Mary has decided that this is what she wants. So be it.

so be it

Let it be so, I accept it as it is. For example, If you can't change the reservation, so be it; I'll travel on Monday. This phrase, often given as a translation of the Hebrew (and Greek and Latin) amen, has been employed in the current sense since about 1600.

so ˈbe it

(formal) used to show that you accept a situation but do not like it: He never wants to speak to me again? So be it.